Who's with me?
Hi everyone. I'm a diagnosed patient of bipolar II and I want to ask. I consumed Lithium Carbonate and Setraline based on Dr's prescription. I undergo treatment from this one area, lets called A. Then i moved to another area and i didnt have the chance to transfer my case to the nearest hospital near my new place. As a matter of fact, i could not even attend the latest appointment at the hospital located at A. As consequences, my meds are cut off and I dont have the chance to go back to the hospital at A. After a week without meds, i still feel okay. But then, starting my second week, i started to feel irritated, shaky and lightheadedness that has been reoccurring for few days straight. I feel like walking above the clouds. My steps and head are not stable. I took panadols, but it has no effect. I sstarted to feel worthless, self hatred and i stop eating for 2 days just because i dont have the mood for. My question is, is it because of me having my meds consumption stopped abruptly? Anyone experience the same?
@Lachrymosemy I have experienced this are you still off your meds now?