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Really Grateful for This Community

User Profile: mvpeng
mvpeng February 21st, 2021

Hi all! I’m mvpeng, I have been diagnosed with bipolar I with psychotic features. I’ve tried other online bipolar support groups but none of them really were helpful and affirming for me. I am really excited to try this one, 7 Cups has always been a wonderful space for me as a listener but it has also helped me in so many ways with my own mental health too.

User Profile: PieceoftheUniverse
PieceoftheUniverse February 21st, 2021

Hey that's so good to hear!

I have found great online support groups for psychosis though btw! Not only on 7cups. Not on specific websites, just on facebook. I don't know if you have already tried those?

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User Profile: mvpeng
mvpeng OP February 22nd, 2021

@PieceoftheUniverse Thank you for sharing! I should have specified, even though that’s how I was diagnosed, I have only had one episode of psychosis when I was manic and dealing a lot of stress/trauma, so it is not a regular occurrence for me personally. I’m really glad there are resources like that and that’s great to hear. I know some friends and other people who could maybe benefit from those groups if you wanted to share specifics.

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User Profile: mvpeng
mvpeng OP February 22nd, 2021

I have personally not found very good online support groups for bipolar disorder, there is one I am a part of that is better than others, but it has its problems too and has made me feel invalidated and unwelcome on at least a few occasions.