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On and off struggling with bipolar actions

Angelcrossing18486 April 7th, 2022

As I've been learning more and more about my disability and seeking help and talking to others I have become more aware of things but I still do struggle I have my outburst and stuff like that but then I immediately apologize if I'm in the wrong I struggle with it and sometimes it's overwhelming does anybody have a coping mechanism that works when you are just totally overwhelmed or can't control the emotions within so that you don't hurt or say hurtful things to another because I'm a very empathetic person and I feel really horrible when I hurt people's feelings

kmmd017 April 18th, 2022

I wish I could give suggestions. i'm afraid therapists might be able to give you better ideas for that :) But I would like to share in my case, it helps when I navigate and recognize what emotions I am really feeling. It helps me understand why I feel the way I feel since I also end up being mindful of my reactions. My therapists taught me that. But still I am no expert. But thanks for sharing your thoughts on this. It helps me too. I don't feel alone as much thanks to this community.

As a compensation, here, some virtual hugs from a fellow Bipolar person 🤗 I feel you on that one. The guilt and shame for doing something you aren't really fond of doing out of impulse can be mind-boggling. Valid and relatable if you ask me. :)