Need someone to talk to. Recently told I have BD2.
I was recently told I have bipolar 2. I don't know what to do with myself now. I feel like I was told this and then left with nothing. I don't know what is real anymore when it comes to my emotions/moods. I started medication a month ago and now I feel paranoid that I somehow made everything up. I am scared someone is going to tell me I don't have bd2, which makes me feel weird for wanting it, but I really just want answers to what is going on with me. I have tried antidepressants and they don't work but for a moment then I am back to being depressed. I really just want someone to talk to. I have a therapist and psychiatrist I see but I can't talk to them 24/7. I feel alone even though I have a family and friends. I sit at my house and just sit or pace the hallway. I feel restless and agitated within in my body. I feel like the medication is working because I am not yelling or projecting my irritation as much as I once was. But I still feel off. Is it normal to take medication and start to feel good then not. Is that part of having bipolar?
Hi friend, I’m so sorry you’re feeling lonely and scared. It’s normal to feel like you’re making it up, especially when you at first have a hard time believing the situation yourself! It’s also normal to have to try various different medications before you arrive at something that works long-term. Are you on an anti-psychotic? The restlessness and agitation you’re feeling might be a side effect called “akathisia,” which is when you have uncontrollable urges to move around and have trouble sitting still. It’s different from tardive dyskinesia, which is when you make uncontrollable movements without your realizing it. If you think you’re experiencing unwanted side effects, I suggest you talk to your psychiatrist. Best wishes to you!
Thanks science spirit! I didn't know about akathisia.
Hi opal! It's normal to feel off after starting on medication. What you're feeling might be the medication fighting off your illness. That's what happened to me too. I have bipolar 1 and it took me a couple years to feel better with meds. You're not alone and I'm sure you'll find many ppl on here going through the same thing. It's good that your symptoms decreased since the meds right? So trust in the process. And don't stop your meds out of the blue.
Hey there! I had the same questions when I was diagnosed. How long have you been on the medication? Bipolar medications can take awhile to get into the bloodstream but if you have concerns you should tell your doctor anything you are feeling because they medication can be adjusted to make you feel comfortable. For me, I tried all the options I had and finally found my match. It takes a long time and patience. I’m so sorry you feel alone. You can connect with a listener at anytime if you need assistance because we are here 24/7. I hope this helps :) you aren’t alone! Let’s tackle this together <3
Hey, if you want to talk… I also have Bipolar 2. I can just listen if you want or change experiences or give advices… text me :)