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Just Bipolar or Something More? Please Help?

Basilstorm December 29th, 2017

It feels like there is something fundamentally wrong with me, besides what I've already been diagnosed with. I don't care about anyone I know, with only one exception. My family who constantly sacrifices for me, I only need because I'm a minor and I want them to pay for my college when I graduate high school. If anyone besides my parents (who make money) died I would not care, to the point where I was actually excited by my grandfather's death because it irritated me to have to see him maybe three times a year. I fought my way out of having to attend his burial and wake. Once I get a degree I'm going to leave and they can wither and die for all I care. My siblings are nothing but an irritant. The only reason I seek out friends is for group assignments in classes, and as soon as high school is over I plan to cut all ties. I hate socializing so much that I pretend to fall asleep, fake sickness, and make up complete lies to avoid talking to people who are considered my friends. I just broke up with my girlfriend because I was only dating her out of boredom and slight pity (not empathy, the difference must be stated; I don't ever feel bad for people, but I commonly think of them as sad and pathetic) and while she was threatening to kill herself I was celebrating that I wouldn't have to deal with her as much anymore. I said there was an exception - it's my best friend. She's the only one I willingly talk to or care about, but even then, I still regularly avoid her because I don't feel like socializing. Still, she occasionally makes me feel more normal. My favorite thing to do is lock all the doors in my house and listen to music while daydreaming because it makes me feel things, even in my usual numb state, but when Im not allowed to do that I get irrational to the point where I was once reduced to a hysterical heap on my floor, screaming until my throat was raw and sobbing. I already have all kinds of shit going on including bipolar disorder, anxiety, severe suicidal thoughts and likely autism. I spent a week of my summer in a psychiatric ward being zombified by a huge amount of drugs, though it wasnt the worst I ever felt its the time I got caught. In 9th grade I was completely delusional to the point where I had meltdowns in school because I believed people could hear my thoughts. I also thought I was the only real person in the entire world, and everyone else existed to make a realistic world for me to live in, constantly lost track of time to the point where I tried to walk out of school second period because I thought that the day was over, hallucinated things in my house coming towards me, and was convinced I had died and went to purgatory for several straight weeks. When I told my mom about these things she just laughed at me and now routinely makes jokes about that time. No one else noticed despite how often I would have complete breakdowns. I have to go to therapy at least weekly, but usually Im there twice a week. I constantly lie and spew bullshit to my two therapists and psychiatrist, who then tell my mom how nice it is to have an open, honest patient who wants whats best for herself because they have no idea who I am. They just know I reached a low point with suicidal thoughts in 9th grade, not about anything else. My conversations with others constantly feel shallow and unconnected. I have no emotional bonds with anyone, and no one I can routinely confide in because my best friends parents take away her phone every moment shes not at school. I cant handle being touched by other people and I get unreasonably angry whenever Im not alone. I share a room with my sister but when she tries to come in while Im already in there, it makes my limbs twitch and makes me want to kill her. Ive had several meltdowns when people refused to leave me alone that left me rolling from side to side, head back, tears streaming down my face as I wildly thrash around. When I have meltdowns I feel like one of those stereotypical people who are possessed by the devil in a horror movie except I'm still partially conscious but I can't stop it. I cant handle repetitive sounds, fast talking, or noises without getting an irremovable urge to claw my skin open or murder whoever is making the noise. I repeatedly imagine certain methods of suicide in extreme detail, like the time I pictured slamming my moms kitchen knife through my left forearm to the point where it could have really happened. For the week that that was in my head, whenever she wasnt home I would trace that knife over my arm past the first freckle and then raise it like I was about to slam it down, hear the gruesome crack of bone, lift my arm and see the knife going straight through to the other side. Ive started having breakdowns in class when I cant handle anything anymore but I play it off as anxiety caused by my noise sensitivity instead of anger/violent urges. Im so fucking tired of everything.

ItsPreeti February 2nd, 2018

What I can make out of. your post is

gakster28 February 23rd, 2018

You might have Anti Social Personality Disorder and Intermittent Explosive Disorder, but I'm not a doctor