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Bipolar suckssssssss

User Profile: Wolf4Lyfe
Wolf4Lyfe July 15th, 2023

I am type 1 Bipolar along with a multitude of other disorders attached to that. When my mania hits I have the same issue of blind rage, crying spells, and abnormal behavior. I still struggle to find good coping methods and stop the cutting for good. The main issue is (as my husband puts it) that it's like a light switch controlled by someone else and we never know what's coming next. The only thing i'm able to see coming is the blind rage as my body will get hot, my ears ring, and I fly off the handle for no reason. I wake up most days wishing I didn't. I think the only thing that saves me is that I have 3 dogs and a husband who need me.

I've had to focus on what I can control and what I can't. Something doesn't go according to plan i lose it at times. My therapy has me do what he calls fire drills. Should my mood change we call fire drill and that's when I have to walk away, listen to music, or keep myself busy to let out all the issues I'm having at that moment. This way I don't explode on the only person who seems to give 2 sh**s about me.

I just cant seem to stick with it and remember to apply this when the moment actually hits. Anyone else seem to have these issues?

User Profile: MeaningfulSilence
MeaningfulSilence July 16th, 2023


Hello there Wolf4Lyfe!

I've heard it's a rollercoaster of strong emotions that happen with Bipolar disorder. I think it's not just you, there are others struggling like you do.

Sounds good that you have found your coping mechanisms to prevent "exploding" with your beloved one. I wish that more people on here will share with you how they manage to keep at bay their emotional state of mind, so maybe new ways to cope will be added to your list.

You can be proud of doing your best Wolf4Lyfe!

Take care 🌸