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Zerlyna May 31st, 2022

My new psych wants me to stop taking adderall which I’ve taken for 27 years (before the Bipolar diagnosis!). I’m so nervous I won’t get work done. I can barely get out our bed without it. Any advice? I also don’t like the thought that I’m dependent (but I’m dependent on my glasses!)

FrenchMarbles June 19th, 2022

Hey @Zerlyna

Firstly, got to say, I love the username, it just rolls off the tongue doesn’t it!

If you’ve took something for 27 years and they want you to stop, is there any reason for this? I am not surprised you feel terrified because withdrawal symptoms are of no joke! Is there some sort of plan in place for afterwards?

Best wishes

F r e n c h M a r b l e s

Quality Mentor Listener Coach Forum Supporter Project Agent

Press the ‘Reply’ button to respond to me, so I can get a notification, otherwise I might not even see it!

Zerlyna OP July 5th, 2022

I have no clue why they want me off it. I’ve had a coworker notice I’m not motivated, not getting as much done and overall more depressed. See the psych again next week.

YouCanCallMeRyan July 16th, 2022

I just started on Adderall a year ago, actually by accident. It was an insurance company screw up that my doctor went along with.

It's the best thing that's happened to me in decades. I've been trying to find the right drug combination for years and the Adderall has been great. I even lost 90 lbs since I started taking it. I never plan on stopping.

It's a safe drug. If you want to stay on it and your psychiatrist insists on taking you off it, maybe you need a psychiatrist that better signs with you? I realize how hard it is to find a good psychiatrist though. Ask the new online options are actually very good. I found a new therapist through one and she's been a godsend.