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Jenna profile picture
5 Things You Shouldn’t Say to Someone on the Autism Spectrum
by Jenna
Last post
2 days ago
...See more Although the general public has become more aware of autism, there’s still a long way to go. The autistic community has commonly been told some phrases that we frankly don’t want to hear. These comments can be ignorant and hurtful, even with good intentions. Here are five things you shouldn’t say to someone on the autism spectrum. 1) “You can’t possibly be autistic” Why would you flat-out deny something I know I am? It’s not up to you to decide who is autistic! We often get this comment when others hear that we have a relationship, a job, a child, or an educational qualification. They become skeptical and say, “But you’re doing so well. You can’t possibly be autistic!” Unusually, we also get this from those who are very familiar with autism. A parent might say, “You’re not autistic! You’re nothing like my autistic child who can’t do anything independently.” The truth is that everyone with autism is different and a diagnosis is not destiny. We consider it prejudiced to assume that autistic people are all lost causes who can’t possibly succeed in life. We can be capable of so much if we have an open mind. 2) “You must be good at math” Not this misconception again! We get it, you’ve heard too many negative things about autism and you want to compliment us instead. But again, we’re all different. People on the autism spectrum have just as much variety as those outside it. This includes our abilities, which don’t always match the media stereotype. Some of us are great at math and some of us are terrible. Some of us are natural with computers and some of us are technologically illiterate. Some of us are savants and some of us struggle intellectually. Just like you, there’s no single profile of our mental abilities. Putting some abilities on a pedestal can exclude autistic people who lack those abilities and make them feel inferior. 3) “You don’t look autistic. You seem so normal” What does this even mean? How does someone look autistic? How does someone look normal? We’re physically no different from the rest of you. There’s no way for someone to look autistic at all. This comment is even worse if this is supposed to be a compliment. It suggests that seeming “autistic” is inferior and seeming “normal” is an ideal standard. We’re just different from you and we don’t want to be forced to be someone we’re not. 4) “What’s it like to be autistic?” What a strange and generic question. I might as well ask you, “What’s it like to be not autistic?” We don’t even know where to begin to answer this. Being autistic is everything we know. It’s in every single experience we have from day to day. Also, there’s no unified autistic life experience. Every autistic person has their own unique life, with experiences different from the others. Are there any experiences that are universally shared between all of us? Sure. We all get asked these silly questions. 5) “Everyone’s on the autism spectrum” No, they’re not. Trust me. Those who make this comment are suggesting that everyone understands and shares our struggles to some degree. Is this supposed to make us feel better? Well, it doesn’t work, because it’s a totally false suggestion. Others don’t know what it’s like to be autistic and never will. As funny as it is to say, only autistic people are autistic. This comment isn’t reassuring, it’s totally dismissive of our unique struggles and experiences. Have you heard any of the comments mentioned in the article? References Brown, L. (2012, February 27). 15 Things You Should Never Say To An Autistic. AWN. Hirschberg, E. (2017, December 13). What To Say & What Not To Say To Someone With Autism. Research Autism. [] Stout, A. (2016, July 6). 11 Things Not to Say to Someone with Autism. The Autism Site. [] credit [x []]
Jenna profile picture
The Struggle of Being Autistic and Identifying Emotions
by Jenna
Last post
November 26th, 2024
...See more **Disclaimer** I cannot and do not speak for all autistic people. As an autistic person, one of the biggest challenges I face is identifying and understanding my emotions. It’s not that I don’t feel emotions. In fact, I often experience them intensely, but I struggle to recognize and label them. This disconnect between feeling something deeply and not being able to articulate it can be confusing and overwhelming. Sometimes, emotions feel like a wave crashing over me, but I can't tell if it's sadness, anger, or frustration. Other times, I know something is off, but I can’t pinpoint exactly what it is. It's like having a whirlwind of feelings inside but no clear way to describe the storm. I might react to something, and later when I reflect, I realize I was angry or anxious, but in the moment, it was just a blur of overwhelming sensations. The process of identifying emotions can feel even more daunting for many autistic people because there’s often pressure to explain how they're feeling to others, but finding the right words doesn’t come easily. I tend to rely more on physical cues, like noticing if my body is tense, my breathing shallow, or my heart racing, as a way to recognize what I’m feeling. Sometimes it’s easier to express a feeling through a sound, like a sigh or groan, than to find the exact word to describe it. What adds to the challenge is that neurotypical people often expect quick, clear emotional responses. But for many of us with autism or neurodivergence, emotions take time to process. It can feel like we're on a delay, needing space to sit with what’s going on inside before we can understand or talk about it. I’ve had to learn that it’s okay to take that time and not rush to name my emotions if I’m not ready. Being autistic means we process the world differently, and that includes emotions. It’s a journey to understand them, and sometimes, we have to be patient with ourselves, accepting that we don’t always have the answers right away. I’ve learned to explore my emotions through journaling, creating art, or even just sitting with a feeling without trying to label it immediately. The struggle to identify emotions is real, but over time, I’ve come to see it as part of my unique way of experiencing life. For anyone else out there who shares this struggle, know that it’s okay not to have everything figured out all at once. Emotions can be complex, and finding your own way of understanding them is a process. Why Is It Difficult? * Alexithymia: A significant number of autistic people experience alexithymia, a condition where we struggle to identify and describe our own emotions. This doesn’t mean we don’t feel emotions; instead, we find it hard to pinpoint what those emotions are or how they connect to our experiences. For example, someone might feel an overwhelming physical sensation (like a knot in their stomach) but may not realize that they are anxious or upset. * Sensory Overload: Many autistic people experience sensory sensitivities, which can lead to sensory overload. When overwhelmed by stimuli like loud noises, bright lights, or even social environments, the body and mind can react intensely. In these situations, it can be hard to differentiate between physical discomfort and emotional states. For instance, an environment that feels overstimulating may trigger frustration, but the frustration itself might be difficult to separate from the overwhelming sensory input. * Nuanced Emotions: Emotions often come in layers or blends (e.g., feeling both happy and sad at the same time). Identifying these complex emotional states can be challenging for anyone, but for those on the spectrum, this complexity can feel especially confusing. Autistic people might struggle to name nuanced emotions, such as feeling bittersweet, relieved but nervous, or nostalgic. * Social-Emotional Processing: Interpreting others’ emotions can also be difficult, which in turn complicates identifying one's own emotions. Social cues that neurotypical individuals pick up on such as facial expressions, tone of voice, or body language may be harder to interpret for those on the spectrum. This can create a disconnection between what an autistic person feels internally and how they understand the emotional dynamics around them. * Communication Barriers: Language may not always feel like an appropriate tool for expressing emotions. Many autistic people may struggle with verbalizing their feelings, not because they don’t understand them, but because words don’t seem to fully capture the intensity or quality of what they’re experiencing. Non-verbal expressions like sounds, movements, or even art can sometimes be more effective than trying to 'find the right words.' The Emotional Disconnect Because emotions and their physical manifestations may not always align clearly, autistic individuals can experience a sense of emotional disconnect. For instance, they may feel strong emotions but not show them in a way that others expect, leading to misunderstandings in social situations. Conversely, they may appear visibly upset or anxious without being fully aware of the underlying emotional cause. Strategies for Identifying Emotions * Body Awareness: Focusing on physical sensations can be a starting point for identifying emotions. For example, noticing a tightness in the chest may signal stress or anxiety, while a lightness in the body might indicate joy. By tuning into these signals, individuals can begin to make connections between what they feel physically and emotionally. * Emotional Charts or Apps: Visual aids, such as emotion charts or mood-tracking apps, can be helpful for identifying emotions. These break down emotions into basic categories, making it easier to recognize patterns and link feelings to specific experiences. * Routine Emotional Check-ins: Scheduling regular emotional check-ins throughout the day can help build emotional awareness. Asking questions like, “How do I feel right now?” and “What might have caused this feeling?” can develop a habit of reflection, helping us recognize emotions more readily over time. * Creative Expression: Art, music, or other creative outlets can be powerful ways to express emotions when words aren’t enough. Drawing how an emotion feels, playing a musical piece that reflects a mood, or even writing poetry can offer alternative avenues for emotional understanding and communication. * Seeking Support: Working with a therapist or counselor experienced in autism can also provide valuable insights. These professionals can guide us through recognizing our emotions and offering techniques and frameworks that are tailored to our specific needs and experiences. Being autistic doesn’t mean someone is emotionless or lacks empathy; rather, it means their emotional landscape might operate differently. By acknowledging these challenges and providing supportive tools and strategies, we can foster greater emotional self-awareness and communication for autistic people. With understanding, patience, and compassion, we can help create a space where identifying and expressing emotions feels safe and achievable.
tommy profile picture
Autism Automated Taglist!
by tommy
Last post
October 24th, 2024
...See more Welcome to the Autism Taglist This thread is an auto-updating list. The list is regularly updated by forum leaders and can be found below. Having issues? Reply below and someone will help you! Why should I join the taglist? ✔ Never miss out on sub-community check-ins, discussions or events ✔ Get tagged and notified by community leaders whenever a new relevant thread has been posted ✔ Become a more active member of the community. What do I need to do? ✅ To add yourself to this taglist, press the Post to Thread button below and write the exact words Please add me. ❌ To remove yourself from this taglist, press the Post to Thread button below and write the exact words Please remove me. ------------------------- Current taglist as of 29 Dec (updated by tommy) @Alwayshungry983 @AutiBoy @azuladragon34 @beck1 @courteousCoconut2519 @Fozziewozzie @GwydionRowan @HarmonyBlossom @HatsEatYou @Howegeorgia @Jenna @JovianPlutonian @JustMeUwU @llemonz @LoveMyMoonflowers @NeurospicyGirl @NightOwl2003 @pineapple7722 @Plantsaremybestfriends @RainbowRosie @sentientape @silentbuster26 @SillyBlue32 @SleepyShyCat @smolLITTLEpotato @softParadise5949 @Stasia86 @StressedGirl @SunnyCat0 @teenytinyturtle @theboymoana @tommy @Trosclair03 @Twigo7 @unassumingPeach6421 @Vivikun9 @wishfulWillow6962 @Zahrian2112
determinedSea4370 profile picture
Almost got the police called on me again
by determinedSea4370
Last post
January 15th
...See more I had a meltdown because of sensory issues (and I'll be honest- anxiety, insomnia, self-harm, alcoholism, and depression too) and then took off and disappeared impulsively and was gone in the neighborhood wandering for hours and hours and my parents almost called the police on me. My dad finally found me walking on the side of the road and drove me back home. The last time something like this happened, I was talking to my mom in a bookstore in Boston while still in college and I was melting down and she was yelling at me over the phone, so I turned the phone off and disappeared into the city. Today's meltdown I tried to cope with by changing location several times, going for a normal walk, journaling, reading, drinking- nothing worked and I felt like I needed to completely escape all people or I was going to lose my mind.  Has anyone else else had this happen to them? There's just this WILD need to escape, so you leave and you walk and walk and keep walking. 
AshleyGamer1995 profile picture
...I am so ANGRY right now. -_-'
by AshleyGamer1995
Last post
December 14th, 2024
...See more Because...7 Cups just said the "G" word in my notifications list, mentioning about "G Play" which I did NOT expect. What is "G"? It's the search engine company that EVERYONE knows. I'd rather not mention their name fully because it's INSULTING to me. Yes, EVERYTHING about G is annoying to me, from their logo, sounding and being used for practically ANYTHING in life which ALSO angers me and steals away my enjoyment in things and stuff. It is a LOT to explain why I hate them and ALWAYS have hated them for ALL years of my life, I know, but... If you folks reply to me about them, PLEASE don't type in their name fully; either just use the FIRST letter here (G) or have their name censored. Otherwise, one use of their word in full and I will NOT reply or say ANY more here, since there is NO way to erase even MY threads like this for no reason, or edit them. >:/ I am sorry, but unlike MOST people in the world, I DO have this hatred to them, because they are antagonistic to me, mentally-speaking, as well as them being CLEVER on EVERYTHING they conflict with. And yes, I KNOW that THEIR logo is also shown in 7 Cups's logon screen and below these threads, as the common "Get it on G Play" label, but FOR ME, I would NOT choose to LOOK at those, and instead have my hand blocking them out (I put my hand in front of the computer screen, that is). But still, I ALWAYS wished they did NOT exist in this horrible world...but they DO, unfortunately, no matter where I go and what I do. T_T* Honestly, what gave THEM the RIGHT to live in this world AND be WELL-RECOGNISED by EVERYONE?!?!?! WHY are they NEVER-QUITTING?!?!?! WHY must they DAMAGE the "OTHER" things that I "DO" like OTHERWISE?!?!?! Ridiculous!!! > = ( Of course... I NEVER get to be called "famous" (another word I hate seeing and hearing AND it getting USED FOR THINGS I ADMIRE, too) by ANYONE in my life WHATSOEVER, because I DON'T DESERVE IT and that I'M a STUPID IDIOT as well. Yeah, well, go ahead and say uncomfortable things to me like "grow up" or "you're not valid" or "they are a great company and you must respect that", et cetra cetra, but those AREN'T going to help with my mental health at ALL. I just WANTED to let out my feelings here about what I hate ("G" themselves) and what I don't get (being referred to as renowned). Again it is a LOT to explain as a WHOLE story I've been GOING through in my ENTIRE life, but... WHY SHOULD I EXPLAIN IT ALL AGAIN WHEN I ALREADY HAVE DONE ON ANOTHER SITE, LIKE THE "National Autistic Society" ONE THAT FAILS TO UNDERSTAND ME AND MY MENTAL ISSUES, BUT SIMPLY DAMAGE ME WITH INSULTS AND MISUNDERSTANDING?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! T_T* T_T* T_T* But I know... YOU people will not CARE, understanding or not, even HERE on 7 Cups which I THOUGHT it is SUPPOSED to be about sharing problems and feelings and SO ON. What else? -_-'
Disneywoman profile picture
Mom thinks I'm a brat for complains about Luna vaccuming near me
by Disneywoman
Last post
August 6th, 2024
...See more My  sister (Luna) is visiting us for four days.   Tonight Luna vacuumed the dinning room after supper and then she started working on the stairs.  And no body gave a *bacon* and thought about poor little me (ASD)  and gives me a heads up about her vaccuming near me on the *bacon* stairs.   And I called downstairs on the intercom Mom told me to "use my headphones"- the headphones do jack nothing when there's is too much noise near me.   And when I was mid-way of saying "This is why i wanted nosie-cancelling head-" Mom hung up on me.      And right after that the the vaccuming noise is 10x louder then it had been when I originally started on the phone.   And I know headphones do jack nothing its why for the last 10-15 years I couldn't concreate period, when Dad's doing noisy things outside. And Luna's going to be in here at any freaking moment and its going to be 100x louder that I will be not be able to do a single *bacon* thing in here because Luna's vacuum is just that much nosier then the "new" vacuum which is less noisy then the original vacuum my parents had. I mean come on either a) give me a heads  up that vacuuming (or some other noisy task) going to be done or b)not be a cheap and buy me noise cancelling headphones when someone's doing something noisy. 
jesusredeemedme2425 profile picture
What Are Your Favorite Fidgets?
by jesusredeemedme2425
Last post
April 17th, 2024
...See more I just found one of these! I had never seen them before <3 It's called a Kaleidocycle <3 I also have a tie dye fidget spinner, which looks a bit like this <3 What are your favorite fidgets? <3
Cassiopeia25 profile picture
What helps you with noise sensitivity?
by Cassiopeia25
Last post
February 28th, 2024
...See more I've been really struggling with sensory issues around sound. Noises just seem so overwhelming, especially if someone is talking to me on the phone or when someone is eating around me. Can anyone relate, or does anyone know if there is anything to help - maybe subtle earplugs? Or just anything that works for you? Thank you!
SammyLouise profile picture
What are your sensory needs?
by SammyLouise
Last post
January 3rd, 2024
...See more Hi guys,  So being an adult on the waiting list for an assessment, I've finally begun to accept things about myself. For my whole life, I've hidden my needs and I'm coming to the point where I have accepted my sensory needs and my mental health has improved for it. So, however weird they may be, I wanted to share out loud for the first time, some of the things that bother me.  The things that bother me: 1. Loud Noises (especially loud cars) -> I now have loops which help :) 2. Chewy textures -> I can't stand mushrooms. 3. Light physical contact --> I can't stand light hugs or someone brushing past me. 4. Dry feelings -> I constantly carry hand moisturiser, and have secretively avoided wooden spoons for my whole life. 5. Showering and Brushing my Teeth -> Admitting how difficult this can be to do daily is a huge step for me. And here are the things I do enjoy: 1. Walking in the pouring rain 2. My weighted blanket 3. Jumping to music 4. The sound of rain 5. Scented candles and baths Thank you so much if you've read all of this! I'd love to hear your lists :) 
moonflowersystem profile picture
Autism motivation
by moonflowersystem
Last post
December 17th, 2023
...See more I always struggled with cleaning my room but today at seven pm I wanted to find a cute outfit for tomorrow and I got it it smelled it and went ew this smelled horrendous! So I ended up grabbing all the dirty clothes and washing them then I went oh well might as well pick up trash and that turned into a whole room cleaning session and now I have no motivation to continue-
ProbablyParker profile picture
I hate my Snsory problems
by ProbablyParker
Last post
September 20th, 2023
...See more I am so sesoity to texters and noise and what i see an di get over stimulated very very easaly when i touch or taste a texter i dont like it makes me tik and its super anyyoing bv it can be super disruptive depting on my stiwation. and when i hear to much i tend to mentdown and go non verble and its getting superfrustraing same with to much happing and when that dose happen my parents tell me to knock it off and that i am being drmatic and that i was fine a min ago and its super super frusting
StressedGirl profile picture
Processing Issues
by StressedGirl
Last post
September 10th, 2023
...See more Struggling with noise/language processing a lot today. Made anything virtually impossible. People still springing stuff on me.

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