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llemonz November 13th, 2023

Hello! Salut!

Hello, my name is llemonz, and I recently figured out that I have autism.

I want to help support this community and I want to make sure that others in this community know that they are not alone.

With that being said, any stories that you guys would like to share?

llemonz OP November 13th, 2023


December 3rd, 2023

@llemonz welcome to 7 cups!

Crakyz January 3rd

@llemonz Hii!! ^^ id love to tell an history about me being autistic.

My family is very religious, and they are evangelic cristians, me, by the other hand, im just atheist, they don't know that yet... But im sure the best is them not knowing it. If someone asks me, I respect every religion, beacuse if you have faith in that and that makes you happy its ok to believe! But it's wrong when you involve others that just don't want to believe in that... back to the topic, when I was diagnosed whit autism my family just denied that I was autistic, they are still thinking that is a whim of mine, but I just found out that im right, and that I'll always be autistic no matter what, it was kind of relief, but at the same time a little maddening. My mom tought that if she took me to a shepherd, my autism was gonna dissapear, when she brought me, the shepherd touched my back and the was just hugging me and touching me very... Akwardly. And he rubbed oil on my forehead. I started crying and shouting, and my mom was ok whit that beacuse she thinks that im still evangelic, and I was crying from happiness... I was overstimulated obviously, but even after that rough experience, I've noticed that nothing changed in me and im still autistic. I am no one to say that God does not exist, but if he does, I think that God is never gonna change autistic people, beacuse he made us perfect, like I said I don't believe in him, but I found this as a good message for the autistic persons who are actually believing on a religion, you dont need to change, beacuse your God made you just perfect. :D

linvi January 25th


stories... idk I remember once before a date I was invited to, I was literally just jumping up and down blank faced feeling excited but not showing it with anything besides the jumping

should've realized way before then lol