can someone please help
I feel so incredibly alone and like I'm taking it and like I'm never going to be able to figure myself out
I feel like spewing all my symptoms and someone telling me that I'm not stupid for feeling so much like this is right
I also feel like giving up on it and just continuing to struggle with understanding myself
I feel so out of place everywhere
Does anyone care that I'm here? Or that Im still alive
@linvi does anyone care
@linvi I do, and I empathize with you immensely. The emotional overload and overencumberance of all those feelings is a lot. You're not alone, and should you ever need someone to talk to, I would love to listen to what you've had to bear. ❤️🙂
Hi @linvi, I'm sorry that you are feeling so alone right now, I can definitely understand how it feels when no one seems to understand and when you feel out of place everywhere. I care that you are here and you and your experiences are valid.
I'm not a Teen listener so we can't chat 1:1 but I just wanted to reach out and say that you are important and if you wanted to talk more about your symptoms, we could chat here. Or if you'd rather not post, maybe connecting with a verified listener that can talk to teens might help to chat and find someone that understands.
Sending lots of support 💜🦋
thank you
I'm comfortable with chatting outside of a listener space
i think I'm overall getting better it's just a lot is bouncing around my head all the time and it's just a lot some days
thank you
Hi @linvi, I wish I had seen this post sooner. However, I agree with everyone else's answers in this post so far.
I understand that it can feel incredibly lonely, especially when we don't understand ourselves as much as we want to.
I also know the feeling of feeling out of place everywhere, but people do care that you are still here and that you are alive.
If you ever want to talk more about your symptoms with me, feel free to send me a message.
I can't imagine how you feel but YOU are hear because you are part of this family. Do not give up.