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Late diagnosis

Drinty May 22nd

Hi all 😊

im new here. I got diagnosed with autism 5 years ago at 44.

im looking for support and ways to learn how to make life easier and to educate myself on better caring and coping mechanisms. Ways to learn how to be the real me and let go of past trauma and anger.

I was doing really well as I had this great therapist who got me to realise I wasn’t broken and I was doing more than most to help myself….. then suddenly I am getting reassigned to a new therapist with no explanation but we don’t know when he will be back 😞 I won’t put myself through the last 6 months again getting to know someone new as it’s going backwards. I’m going to wait for my therapist to return 😊 or go without and look to you guys for guidance.

I’ve got this 😊

Tinywhisper11 May 22nd

@Drinty yes you do you got this ❤🙂❤ I don't have autism, but I've spoken with many people here at cups who do have this diagnosis. Your definitely not alone here. I really hope you make lots of friends here and get all the support you need and deserve ❤ and I'll be here, routing you on. With my arms wide open if you ever need a giant tiny hug ❤ what's that?? You want a hug right now?? Ok then.. Gives you a giant tiny hug ❤squeezes you tightly ❤❤


Drinty OP May 22nd

Hi 🤣 great to meet you!

I’ll go for a tiny giant hug cos you have great energy! Or was that a giant tiny hug? Best make it at arms length oh I don’t know 🤣

I’m all span out from your lovely welcome and support 🥰

Tinywhisper11 May 22nd

@Drinty gives you 50 million billion trillion giant tiny hugs ❤❤ 


Tinywhisper11 May 22nd

@Tinywhisper11 I hope you can breath cause you got plenty more coming your way


Drinty OP May 22nd

Keep them coming 😊 I’d friend you but I don’t know how hehe

Tinywhisper11 May 22nd

@Drinty you can only privately do 1-1chats with listeners. But it's cool we can joke around on the forumd. Have you checked out the icebreakers and games forum?? They are a lot of fun


Drinty OP May 22nd

Not had much time to look around yet, it’s not so easy on my phone 😊 I’ll take time one evening to have a proper search and see if I can find this places.