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Dad never gets sides with Pizza

Disneywoman August 15th

Whenever my Mom is exhausted (like yesterday) or busy to make supper my dad always goes and get Pizza from Little Caesar. I like Pizza as much as the next person but there's one thing I'm fed up about with Dad getting Pizza from Little Caesar and that is that he never brings home *bacon* sides (Italian Cheesy bread or Crazy bread) from the restaurant.  So the only sides I get to eat here at home are what I call "Home Sides" like Devil's BBQ chips or "Kettle corn'  and those are boring home sides compared to what "cool" stuff we could get as sides from restaurant.

Last year the one time we got Pizza from someplace else (Domino's)  Dad had a cow about "how long it was taking" about getting the Pizza but at least that time I got to have a side unlike with Little Caesar. 

QuietMagic August 24th


Gotcha, so when your dad goes to Little Caesars to get pizza, he doesn't get the bacon sides that you really like. But when he's gone to other pizza places in the past, he has gotten the bacon sides.

I wonder if he knows how you feel about the bacon sides. Maybe he changed sides just on a whim and thought it didn't matter and didn't realize that you strongly prefer the bacon ones.

Does he know how much you like the bacon sides? And do you think he'd be open to getting one or two of them next time if you asked him?

Disneywoman OP August 24th

@QuietMagic Sorry I should have made it clearly but the word bacon in my post just is me self-censoring myself so instead of saying the f word or some other swear word,  I say bacon in stead.

But I remember in the past when the fam got Pizza pizza, I think we got garlic bread or something and one time Luna got dip for the pizza.   But Dad never gets sides despite there being sides (Italian Cheesy bread and twisty bread) from Little Caeaser.

Last summer, after Mom and I saw 2 movies in the theatres on the same day-Dad drove us to the Domino's in town and we ordered 2 pizzas and Mom also got the breadsticks or was it the cheessy bread  from Domino's and Fanta for me to drink.  

As I said, Dad never gets sides from LC and I get so sick and tired of only having "home-sides" of Veggies and chips.   But yet when we got Harveys (a Canadian burger chain) on I think its Monday-  all 3 of us ordered Frings (French Fries and Onion rings) with their meal- mine a hot dog and Mom 's and Dad's chicken burgers with a drink. 

QuietMagic August 24th


Thanks for clarifying. Makes sense, so there are boring "home" sides that your dad tends to get that you don't like as much. And then there are more interesting/enjoyable sides that your mom tends to get.

I guess I wonder what you think about the idea of asking your dad to get the sides that you prefer the next time you're eating out? (Or is it something where you resign yourself to the sides just being a bit worse whenever your dad is in charge of picking them?)

Disneywoman OP August 24th

@QuietMagic I need to clarify again.  Dad isn't getting the "home sides" when he's out. I'm calling them "home sides" because they're already at home  when Dad goes and gets the Pizza from LC  we have: party mix chips, popcorn (both of those I have on Fridays when its my night to cook), Devil's BBQ chips,  Jalapeno chips, and some other flavours and kettle corn.   One of those other chips (anything that's not Party mix or Popcorn) are what we put out to have with the Pizza Dad's getting from LC and veggies(cuke carrot, and celery).  So depending on whose cutting the veggie- I might be getting the non-party mix and popcorn chips out while Mom's cutting the veggies OR I will do the chips out after I'm done cutting the veggies.

So its gets really annoying that other people get to buy sides when they get pizza and yet when the family gets pizza, from LC we only get 2 pizzas nothing else because "everything else is at home"  ie the home sides. 

Mom even gets the two of us a order of Garlic toast from Boston Pizza.   IF she can do that for us when we're OUT why can't Dad do that for the family when he goes to LC?

I'm sick of only having potato chips as sides for LC pizza suppers.

QuietMagic August 26th


Got it, so "home sides" isn't some particular/worse kind of side that your dad gets when he's out. Rather, they're sides that are already at home. And what you're saying is that whenever your dad gets pizza, he doesn't order sides at all (you're stuck with whatever is at home)--whereas your mom typically does order sides, which you prefer.

I guess I still have the same curiosity of whether it would make sense to communicate to your dad that you like when your mom orders sides and that you'd be happy if he were able to do the same.

Disneywoman OP August 26th


I have talked to Mom about the fact that we never set sides when Dad's gets pizza.  But she said "its too much extra calories".  But she had said late last year when we had a simliar conversation that we could think of getting sides one of the next time Dad goes to LC.   

It just gets boring really quickly with "whatever we have at home sides".     Mom and I are the ones who are stuck eating up leftovers that the one time he brought Pizza in July I was so sick of having pizza, that when Mom and I went to Boston Pizza for supper, I had pasta and Mom had a sandwhich.

We had Pizza like twice in the last 2 months-I forget the reason in July,  but 2 weeks ago it was because Mom and I were exhausted from helping my blind friend

Disneywoman OP August 26th

 I also don't like the fact Mom changed her mind in less then a year.