I've been noticing in the past few weeks I'll be going along with my day just fine, and then I'll hit like a motivation wall and just lose all motivation. Then in the past few days I've had a couple breakdowns and started auditory stimming during/after the breakdown, as listening to this one song on repeat seems to be the only way for me to not feel hopeless.
Normally I'm actually pretty comfortable with being an introvert and being solitary, but then during these breakdowns it just feels like I have no one.
I can absolutely relate with that. I've been going through an autistic burnout a few months ago and I also started feeling like I had no one. I'm really sorry you're going through that too.
If it's still possible for you do you think you could reach out to some close people around you and tell them that you're not doing great and would appreciate it if they could check in with you from time to time?
I know how hard this is. I only realised I needed that when it was already too late, which meant I was actually alone and had to reach out for help when it took all the energy I had.
I really hope you'll feel better soon, and I and many others will be here for you :)
I have very similar experiences :( you're not alone
Listening to music is my way to escape the rest of the world.