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Turning red

J1K April 24th, 2021

How do you all deal with turning red? I hate it. I may look calm but my red face gives me away. I feel hot and I get worse 😭

hoper1004 April 24th, 2021

I am 49. It is really akward to blush at this age with no reason. Today it was when I was on the subway train. I was sitting at one end of the long bench seats. There hopped on a guy who scurried over to stand right next to me. I know I was overly sensitive or irrational but I felt uncomfortable because I thought he was a bit concious of me. Furthermore, at one point the train began shaking in an irritating manner. My leg topped over my another leg began pendulating in a weird way and finally my face turned red. Could you make any sense of any of what I am saying ?? I could regain my composure only after he got off. My face mask helped me hide my flushed face and bafflement. During the time only I could do was to find out the most comforting youtube videos to watch or to listen to the most soothing music such as worship songs in my case.