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School has had a huge impact on my anxiety! Help!

SagittarianPanda September 3rd, 2015

I'm in a really awkward position right now, and I feel like I could break down at any given moment.

For the last 3 months, I've been suffering from anxiety attacks on a regular basis. Some have been much worse than others. Today, I finally went back to school, thinking it would be a fun experience.

Oh, how wrong I was. See, I started my A levels today. And I'm now convinced I've made a huge mistake. All throughout the day, I felt really really uncomfortable around everybody. I nearly had a panic attack during school! Now, I've already started being given assignments and stuff, and I already feel like I can't cope. Also, I've been given so much to deal with - new people, new classes, and a more realistic image of just how challenging A levels are going to be. I don't think I can cope! I've made a huge mistake!

I barely got the grades for my GCSE courses. And aside from the uncomfortable feeling that I was receiving throughout the whole day, I just couldn't seem to relax and enjoy this new experience. I felt like I shouldn't be there. Gut instinct perhaps?

Anyway, I'm now terrified about going back tomorrow. What do I do?

LonelyJinx September 3rd, 2015

My anxiety decided to attack me when I first started college. I went to the Health & Wellness Center of my school and they refered me to a counselor. Maybe you should try going to someone who can help you make sense of it and learn how to take control of it.

SagittarianPanda OP September 3rd, 2015

Thank you very much. I hadn't really thought about that.