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High anxiety over job interview

myfreedom1 June 14th, 2015

I am so stressed over a job interview I have tomorrow. My last job I worked at for almost 15 years and lost it due to family problems. I have not worked for over 1 year and need this really bad. I haven't been to a job interview in over 15 years. Things are so different.frown

Eme June 14th, 2015

I just got through 3 rounds of job interviews for one job so I know how you feel! My anxiety was through the roof! Just try to force yourself to take deep breaths in the minute leading up to it, I'm sure you'll excel!

myfreedom1 OP June 14th, 2015

Good God! I hope I don't have to go through 3 rounds.frown

pandaxia June 14th, 2015

Practice active relaxation! It really helps. Remember, they want to give you the job not stop you getting it. Good luck!

myfreedom1 OP June 15th, 2015

Thanks. I never thought of it that way.smiley

myfreedom1 OP June 16th, 2015

I did as you suggested and I got the job. Thank you.

yellowGrapes8131 July 5th, 2015

I have been dealing with panic attacks since I was in the 8th grade, I have developed anxiety and social anxiety as well within the last 3 years. Some days are worse that others and some days are better. However I have found a way to cope and control my anxiety and panic attacks at least to a certain extent. And although I am not 100 percent cured It has helped me out tremendously and I am starting to get ahold of myself.

I hope this helps somebody out there out because it is something I have wished I could change for nearly 10 years.

.Take a look at

It is an excellent read and was very helpful to me :)

pete1986 July 7th, 2015

I have had anxiety for the last 15 years and worked for 14 years at a company with my dad and brother. I recently lost my job and the thought of getting a new job petrifies me. I don't even know where to look as my anxiety is quite bad, the thought of an interview scares me but i just want to find a job that fits me and my anxiety. I am no good with new people and new surroundings. I was wondering if, firstly, anyone has any advice and, secondly, if there are any agencies or job sites for people in the UK, with anxiety so i am not feeling as bad. Its not as easy to find a new job as a normal person due to my stress, anxiety and nervousness.

Any help would be great.

