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fernandezmorgan1992 January 30th, 2015

I have social anxiety and a fear of public speaking. I can't relax and go slow when speaking so I stutter. There's days when it's not that bad and then there are times when it's horrible. I get made fun of and I'm embarrassed now. I don't think it's nice to make fun of something I can't control.

SoaringSky January 30th, 2015

Social Anxiety is really hard to deal with, it understandable that days fluctuates from good to bad. I'm proud of you for getting up there in the first place, even if nothing comes out, it takes a lot to even have the intent.

I also agree that no one should laugh at someone for something they have no control over, but unfortunately there are people like that in our society, though I hope none on this website! :)

courageousCranberry January 31st, 2015

I suffer from severe public speaking anxiety too. It used to be so bad that I would literally shake when i'm in front of everyone, so I can relate to how you feel. You are very brave for having spoken in front of a group of people at all. I know that it can be hurtful and hard when people make fun of you, but don't let them get to you. There are some things I do that helps me loads with reducing my anxiety when speaking in front of a big group. I always rehearse my text the night before, make notes in small cards to help if I freeze, and I also constantly remind myself to speak loud and clear a few minutes before I start speaking. I know it can be superficial, but faking confidence is key to actual confidence. If you are scared try making eye contact with 2 or 3 people spread evenlyin the crowd and continue talking to only this people.

You have nothing to be embarrassed about, know that you are not alone. :) Stay strong!

EverlastingLove96 February 1st, 2015

I know how you feel. I have to practice over and over again before I do something and then I still get nervous. I just choose something to focus on while I am speaking and it keeps me calmer.