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Do I have very mild social anxiety?

lys5212 June 9th, 2020

I'm terrified of talking to new people my age by myself and get really quiet when I'm around people I don't know. I talk to people outside of my age range pretty well for the most part if I'm with my mom but other then that I get really quiet. I can be really weird and funy when I'm around people I know and am comfortable with. I just can't tell if my fear is typical or not. I doubt that I actually have social anxiety and if I did it would probably be very mild but I also don't know if other people experience this too. I have no idea what I'm so scared of cause it feels like more then just a fear of rejection of just anxiousness.

faithlove1111 June 10th, 2020

@lys5212 , I am glad you decided to talk about how you feel. Talking about it can help you a lot. aI am sure all of us have experienced anxiety/apprehension on and off... meeting new people can be very challenging and daunting too. As you meet people , you pick up courage , gain more experience and build up conversation skills and slowly the anxiousness reduces and sometimes,diminishes over the years. That's the natural way of evolving and growing up.

But , maybe , you can remind yourself that you do not need to impress anyone or have a need to be accepted by others. Just be yourself the person you are most comfortable with . it's okay not to be perfect's okay to feel a little worried's okay to have's okay to be shy ... it's okay not to continuously have a conversation .... . I love myself and like myself.

Meanwhile enjoy exercising , learning new hobbies , eating well and having enough sleep.

MooRooster June 19th, 2020

people tend to get spooked around other people. not everyone but commonly. you have social anxiety in a technical sense as you're anxious in social settings but wether or not you have some disorder of the sort I'm not liscensed to say. I often hear though, that some sort of diagnosis is only worth chasing if it's an issue that's causing you stress that you feel like you need help with or if it's impacting your ability to function and do schoolwork and such. even then it's not the label that helps much it's the therapies and medicines that can ensue. but therapy can be helpful even for a healthy person so if you have the money for it I'd say go for it if this issue bothers you, even if it's no disorder.