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worthy or worthless

alices2910 August 23rd, 2017

it's a strange feeling where words are never enough to express. it's like suffocating under the open sky on your own breath. neither you know whats going on nor u care to find out. it's all clear but still, blur in your head. its all the helpless anger and irritation which comes out for an instant and then regret takes a lead. where sun rays start to hurt the eye . when u both are comfortable and complain about dark. feeling worthless, falling deep. nor there is a start neither an end

lolafadina August 23rd, 2017


I am sorry that you are feeling this way. It must be hard to not feel like you have any escape in what you are feeling. I just want you to know that if you need anyone to talk to, you can pm me (even when i am offline) or any of the other listeners if you feel like that would help to speak about any of your feelings.

Hope you have a good rest of the day.

Lola, part of the listener team.