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morning anxiety

jordanc0856 October 24th, 2020

Does anybody ever feel like their anxiety is worse in the morning? That's how it has been for me lately. Does anybody know why this happens? If I could figure it out, maybe I could deal with it better.

DaisyDaph October 24th, 2020

@jordanc0856 Hey there! It's unfortunate to hear that your anxiety is more prominent in the morning. My understanding of this is that as soon as you wake up, your brain would try its best to bring back short term memories or it jumpstarts into being very active from its relaxed state as the thoughts come flooding in. This could possibly be overwhelming for you to handle as soon as you wake up from your slumber. However you're not alone in this. It happens to me too. I would suggest as soon as you wake up try and think about positive things. Maybe look outside the window and take in a deep breath. Or look at something light blue in colour to help you get into a relaxed state whenever you feel anxious in the morning.

jordanc0856 OP October 25th, 2020

@DaisyDaph thank you for your advice about "giving" my brain something to do right when I wake up. That is so useful. I did some research and found out that cortisol (the stress hormone) levels are usually hgihest the first few hours after waking up. So if I could just amke it through that, I have better chances for a day.

faithlove1111 October 27th, 2020

@jordanc0856 , I usually go for an early morning walk the moment I wake up or I have my coffee in the garden. looking at the new day and the plants around me helps to lift my spirit .