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NobodySingsAlong May 7th, 2015

I feel like my problems aren't nearly at a magnitude as others', and so I guess I feel weird talking about them, as if I'm not suffering enough to ask for help. I want to talk to a listener, but I feel almost guilty every time I go to talk to one, so I don't. There are other people who are going through more and worse than me who need someone to listen more than I do. But that's not the only reason... Gah. I don't even know what the problem is. I get so nervous when talking to people. My brain shuts off, and I find it really hard to come up with a response. I listen so intently, and I analyze everything that's been said, but when it's my turn to talk I clam up. I turn situations awkward faster than I can blink. It makes it so hard to get a job. I don't even know if I want a job. They always end up depressing me, and I come up with an excuse to quit. If I could live in the woods, that'd be great, but I don't think it would solve my problem .__.

NobodySingsAlong OP May 7th, 2015

Even in the group chats, I usually sit by without saying anything. I try to follow the conversation and pitch in where I can, but usually I delete my responses before I hit enter. I drift in and out of the various chatrooms, lurking but never interacting, and it feels so lonely.

Ethan159 May 7th, 2015

Does anyone want to talk with me 1on1? I've been looking for the right person, but I can't find anyone

toughGlobe9243 May 7th, 2015

you put my thoughts into words. I cant tell you how many times I re-typed this out before i decided to send it. I feel like there are so many other people out there that have it so much worse, my issues are insignificant in comparison.

nightFlower81 May 7th, 2015

No problem can be too big or too small enough to not talk about. If it matters to you, then it matters to me. I went through a time just like that, and I realized that I was able to heal faster by just sharing my story. Please don't ever feel discouraged to contact a listener. That is what Listeners are here for. HUGS for you!

awkwardgiraffeheals May 7th, 2015

omg, I feel exactly the same way. I talk on group chats, but even when someone talks back to me, I feel like they don't really care. how do we get past this?