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i hate class presentations

User Profile: uItraviolence
uItraviolence September 6th, 2017

Class presentations are my worst nightmare. They leave me up all night worrying constantly of how I am not going to cope and how I am going to make a fool of myself. I had a class presentation a few days ago, I had to read out a poem in front of the class and explain what it was about from my point of view. I couldn't stop shaking and stuttering, all the eyes glaring at me made me so nervous and my heart was beating like a maniac. I felt so uncomfortable and I wasn't really focused on the poem, just thinking about how desperately I wanted to sit back down. After my presentation was over, I sat back down into my seat. I felt so stupid for the rest of the day, everyone else seemed so confident and clear, but mine was just a mess. I felt like everyone was laughing at me and making fun of me. I just wanted to curl up into a ball and cry.

User Profile: AKewlListener
AKewlListener September 6th, 2017


Usually what many people do as far as class presentations they go up to the teacher before class and explain your current situation and ask to read off the presentation during lunch. If not then sometimes teachers will just grade your presentation itself. If you are forced to say it in front of the class, just take deep breaths and don't look at everybody. I am really sorry you're going through this but this is the best advice I could give you.

User Profile: lovelyWhisper66
lovelyWhisper66 September 6th, 2017

@uItraviolence Hey there, I'm so sorry about your most recent experience. I am so scared of public speaking, and I always hated doing class presentations when I was in school.

However, you got through it! I know that may not mean much, but despite the struggle, you finished the presentation. Unfortunately, the best way to get through the anxiety is to be confront it. If you haven't already, try practicing in front of a mirror to watch your body language, tone, etc. When you get more comfortable, try practicing in front of a few people, particularly those who you feel comfortable with. I wish you the very best! Feel free to reach out to the listeners here if you ever want to talk.