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anxiety for unknown reason, don't know what to do

jordanc0856 October 16th, 2020

Does any of you ever grt anxiety for no apparent reason? I mean, I'm getting that nervous/anxiety feeling in the pit of my stomach, and I have no clue as to what triggered it. What do you do when this happens?

RaveNRodz19 October 16th, 2020

Do you have a method of calming? I discovered that I was convincing myself nothing was wrong when really there was something bothering me that I didn't want to face. Whether you squeeze a stress ball, learn a deep breath technique, count backward from 10, some technique you will discover works best for you to combat these attacks. Hope this helps :)

jordanc0856 OP October 17th, 2020

@RaveNRodz19 I try breathing exercises. It's really weird because I am new to this anxiety thing. I never really had problems with it until about 6 months ago. It used to be that when things went wrong or something broke, I'd get mildly annoyed by it then deal with or fix it. Now, every little thing that goes wrong in my life sends me into panic mode, and I am getting so tired of feeling like this. Meds do help a little, but it still gets really bad at times. Every time it happens, I feel like it brings me closer and closer to losing the will to keep going.