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User Profile: peggycarter
peggycarter March 7th, 2015

does anyone have any tips on how to combat anxiety? i'm having a lot of trouble trying to tame it. so i'm up for any weird remedies. or regular ones.

User Profile: Roadie
Roadie March 7th, 2015

Hi @peggycarter

There is the self help guide at the top ( that has some information, however equally there is a really good group of members and listeners that post in the Anxiety forums here.

One such forum that I absolutely love as a resource can be found here (

But be sure to look at some of the other threads. There are a lot of people who suffer from anxiety - both listener and member alike - that's a really good place to start :)

User Profile: Mike511
Mike511 March 16th, 2015

Exercising, like running or weightlifting, can help as a therapy forstress, anxiety, or depression. I do both. Not only will this distract you from what you are worried/thinking about, but you also feel great afterwards. Exercise is often associated with only physical health, but it does wonders for mental health as well. It builds confidence and a sense of accomplishment. There is also the added bonus of looking better which will make you feel better about your body too. Hope this helped.

User Profile: xangelix
xangelix March 16th, 2015

Just close your eyes and take deep, slow breaths. Know that everything is going to be okay. Nothing will harm you. If you can, take a hot/warm bath then go to sleep. Or read a book. Or do some yoga. It also helps to talk to a friend or adult, maybe someone online about it.

User Profile: Regnkongen
Regnkongen March 16th, 2015

I agree with Mike, for a good overall solution try exercise. I used to take Tae Kwon Do and I miss is severely. It's a great outlet for stress and anxiety, put it all into the workout. It helps clear your mind and exhausts your body, which will help you sleep... which also is a great help for anxiety.

In specific situations, I think deep breathing can help... some minor meditation-like mental exercises... visualizing the problem being solved ( by some realistic solution, by the gods, by superman, anything :) ) Sometimes I just scream a lot ( in the car mostly, when no-one else is around! )

User Profile: convivialSpruce7494
convivialSpruce7494 March 17th, 2015

I suggest this book in helping you deal with anxiety : I read it myself and it helped me look at anxiety in a way I had never really thought about before. It really helped me feel a lot better relatively. I hope it helps, even if just a little! :)