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Worrying I have symptoms of serious conditions

User Profile: navyDay7788
navyDay7788 April 29th, 2021

Hi everyone,

I have been experiencing anxities over some health conditions. Once one symptom stops I go on worrying the next one that popped up. When I notice even the slightest ache in my body, I would carefully observe my other parts. Then, I notice some other symtomps. Combined together, I search on Google and find serious conditions. Then I would visit doctors (several - 5 times this month now) and found nothing truly serious. With the lab results showing no indication of serious threat, I am still worried that something has gone undiscovered.

I don't know how to calm my mind. Please help :(

User Profile: intellectualPenny7159
intellectualPenny7159 April 29th, 2021

I am currently in the same situation. I suffer from anxiety but Out of nowhere one day I started having anxiety and it has continued almost daily for a little over a month. Drs/counselor have all told me it sounds like stress. I keep telling myself it’s just the anxiety talking. It doesn’t work all the time but for a moment I feel better knowing that I am aware that my anxiety it making me feel that way. I obviously don’t know if anything is actually wrong but I know from my experience the feelings I have sometimes go away if I can get my anxiety to go down. I hope you figure it out. And always remember. You’re not alone.

I’ve been struggling like this too, especially since COVID started

User Profile: Frontenacs97
Frontenacs97 May 14th, 2021

I'm this way too. In periods of my life where I'm more stressed, I feel like I notice minor things in my body that I fear are serious ailments. For instance, a few months ago I noticed a lymph node that was ever so slightly larger than one of the others, and despite this being completly normal I was still worried it might be cancer. I'm getting several normal-looking moles checked out by a dermatologist because, even though my GP said they look fine, I feel anxious they could be cancerous too.

I don't know how to address something like this, but I want you to know youre not alone! :)

User Profile: Frontenacs97
Frontenacs97 May 25th, 2021

@navyDay7788 Here's something from my life that I hope you can relate to. Maybe it will calm your mind a little bit and/or help you understand your situation better.

I have a few benign-looking moles that, for whatever reason, I began to get very concerned about over the past few months. I'm pretty educated about skin cancer due to a family history, and I have every reason to think these were healthy, especially because they hadn't grown or changed in the past few months. I went to my GP, who said they were probably fine but said she could refer me to a specialist if I wanted. I said yes, I wanted to. Then I had a virtual appointment with the specialist, who said they looked fine, but she could check them out in person if I really wanted. I said yes, I wanted to. Finally, I had my in-person appointment, and the specialist looked at them for maybe 10 seconds before saying there was nothing to worry about.

I had a similar experience a few months back with a benign, pre-existing mass that I convinced myself was testicular cancer.

I think we might be two peas in a pod. There's no real reason to be concerned, medical professionals have said there's no reason to be concerned, but for whatever reason, a feeling lingers that something must be wrong. I have no idea how to interpret this--and I'd appreciate if anyody could contribute some insight--but it seems that the underlying issue is an ever-present fear that something has to go wrong.

I've had intermittent trouble sleeping the past few months, and sometimes I've woken up in the middle of the night with nightmares. I had one the other night where I was golfing with a loved one, and he had a heart attack. I'm not going to try to read too much into that--it's just a made-up situation in my head, and I'm still not sure if there's any academic consensus on whether dreams mean anything. But I think it's there's an interesting connection here: I've identified this underlying anxiety that something has to go wrong in my life, and when my mind wanders at night, it wanders to thoughts of something tragic ruining what was looking to be a good time.

Perhaps that's the root of your health worries--not so much being concerned about X health condition, but being anxious that something amorphous is going on inside you that threatens to change your life for the worse. The specific health issues you've gotten checked out maybe aren't the problem; maybe they're just manifestations of your mind looking for something that has to be wrong.

I'm a young man in my early 20s and am by no means an expert on issues of the mind. But I identify very, very strongly with what you are going through, and I hope this is something worth thinking about!

User Profile: Eudaimonia99
Eudaimonia99 May 27th, 2021


For hypochondriacs, stop googling helps. I understand how hard it is to not keep checking. Try to learn some relaxing skills. Turn your focus to something you are highly interested in. Avoid alcohol and drug, these will raise anxiety. Once you relax and away from the internet, things will get better. Good luck!