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Worry and Procrastination

proactiveDrum1302 April 14th, 2022

I have a lot of trouble procrastinating. I have been observing my thought patterns and behaviour for a few years now and my procrastination seems to come up when I run into a situation where I don't feel I can accomplish a task quickly and easily.

I think I practice avoidance behaviour when I feel a task is difficult or I am unsure about what to do next. This applies socially and professionally. The anxiety of not knowing what to do next is the feeling that I believe I am avoiding.

Even coming up with this theory and acknowledging this trigger point for my avoidance behaviour I find it very hard to sit with the anxiety and take things step by step to work through the process of doing something where I am unsure of whether it is the right way to do it, or if I will get the result I want.

In the past I would procrastinate and feel guilty and get angry and myself for "wasting time" but I have been getting better at acknowledging my behaviour and moving on. I am also getting better at acknowledging my progress with this behaviour pattern and I am grateful I have come this far with it.

VioletSpringGlade April 28th, 2022


Hi! Well done, it sounds like you are making progress, just being able to acknowledge your behavior and patterns is great.
We learn to avoid difficult emotions very early in life, and it isn't your fault you developed those patterns. Noticing and acknowledging is the the first step toward changing them! 🤗