Listen to music, doodle, play video games, do mathemtics, dribble my football, look out of the window, look at the clouds and make a guess of what they resemble, have a hot bath, drink water, help my mother with cooking or household chores.
I listen to songs that are literally my safe place, or look at memes from my fandom.
They calm me down in a weird way.
Give myself time. I usually listen to mantras , I also tell myself mantras "It will be ok because I'm ok" , "this is temporary" . I also go get some fresh air and do breathing exercises.
Sometimes rely on my mother who helps me by giving me a massage , or gives me tea or even helps me lay down on the bathtub
listen to music or talk to someone i'm close to about how i'm feeling
Usually try to breathe or walk away from a group of people that may be causing it
@MindyLove I feel like I can't breathe, but if I stand and pace and focus on my breath being slow and deep I can keep from hyperventilating. Then I like to make a plan/ to do list/ write about whateveris stressing me out. I think my anxiety often takes form in some very physical symptoms and so focusing on my body and releasing netbooks energy really helps.