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What to do after college?

QuiFactusSum November 28th, 2015

Hi guys! I'm a senior in college, graduating next semester (yay!). I have anxiety, especially about school, tests, etc. I want to get my teacher's licensure at a college that's around 30 minutes from home, so it makes the most sense for me to just move back home for a year or two and finish that program. I've been living on-campus at my current college for a couple of years, so I've gotten really used to being on my own. But, when I'm away, I get homesick and worry a lot about being away from home. So I like being home, but I end up thinking a lot about the dumb things I did as a teenager. And I'm not really sure how things will work living with my parents. It just seems like it'll be weird living at home again. And, of course, my anxiety is making me worry about if I'm making the right decision, what if things don't go well with my parents, etc.

So, I guess my question is-- Have any of you moved back in with your parents after college? How did it go? Did it help or hurt your anxiety?

Kallie112358 November 28th, 2015

firstly YAY for you and its wonderful that you are going to become a teacher

Living with parents after being on your own is odd!

The best thing I found to do is to sit down and approach it as a business deal - write out what you expect from each other and rules and make sure that both sides understand - eg how much rent you pay or what chores you are expected to do etc