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Trying to do things I love with anxiety in the way

User Profile: FluffySlippers
FluffySlippers May 15th, 2016

I recently decided, I've had enough of my anxiety holding me back. From everything really, but particularly in he things I am passionate about.

Thats easier said than done though. I'm trying to feel some confidence with my art and writing. They're things I'd love to persue in a career. But I can't get over all that negativity in my own mind. I'm lucky enough to have a few close friends who live what I do, but every time they compliment me, that horrible little voice creeps in saying things that drown out their encouragement.

does anyone else have remedies and techniques to help them focus and do their passions, despite anxiety? I'd love to talk...

May 23rd, 2016

@FluffySlippers Hello! How does your anxiety hold you back from your passions? Does the anxiety increase your lack of confidence in your abilities as a writer and artist? If so, I definitely can relate to that feeling. I love writing but ocassionally I will doubt myself and what I write. I've deleted a few writing pieces that I've done just because I didn't think they were "good enough". It sounds like it is very challenging for you to build up the confidence you need in order to feel inspired to pursue what you love.

Would creating an anonymous blog and sharing your writing/art pieces with others, help with your confidence? Maybe if you received positive feedback from people who are not family and friends, it will increase your confidence. Would you be comfortable with anonymous people sharing their opinions and critics? I know that can be challenging since online opinion can vary and of course you could experience "trolls". However, maybe if you were to get what you may think is "unbiased" opinion(s), you may feel encouraged to pursue your passions more and be able to improve and grow. Plus the practice of being open with sharing your passions may just break some of that "shyness" in showing what you love to create.

I hope my suggestions helped a little! Good luck heart

2 replies
User Profile: FluffySlippers
FluffySlippers OP May 24th, 2016


I'm glad you can relate, that helps me feel less isolated. I have recently created a blog on DeviantArt for my art, and though only one person seems interested, they've helped me feel better. I suppose I just have to keep pushing.

Thank you so much for your support and feedback, it's helped so much.

P.S I bet your writing is amazing. Creative people are too harsh on themselves. It's hard but I'm sure we can both grow in skill and confidence :)

1 reply
May 24th, 2016

@FluffySlippers I've only had a handful of people read my writings as well but like you said, it does help build confidence in sharing. You're definitely right, you just need to keep pushing yourself and I'm sure that confidence of yours will grow and grow!

Thank you for the compliment and keep being bold and unafraid! You got this! heart

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