Spontaneous attacks
Does anyone else become hyper aware of certain feelings that turn into a rush of anxious feelings? If I feel a tingle in a part of my body, I will fixate on it until my entire body feels like jello and I panic without knowing how to stop it.
Hi there, @a1locker
Feeling overwhelmed can feel really scary - like the emotions are so overpowering that it isn't even possible to fight off and get back to a regulated space.
I struggled with panic attacks for a decade before actually receiving medical help - it is tough. They hurt, they drain your energy, you feel numb after having gotten through one. When I was in a place where I couldn't safely give into a panic attack (class, work, grocery store, family gathering, etc.) I would have to try my best to ground myself, give myself control again. The 5-4-3-2-1 method is nice, I have used it on myself (at first with help from my mom, who would help me through the panic while squeezing the meaty part of my hand between my thumb and pointer finger), I've also used it when helping other people though a crisis or a panic attack.
I recently heard -read- maybe on 7Cups actually, that you can gain control and minimize panic by keeping your eyes in ONE SPOT. To recall memories, your eyeballs need to move, but if you stare at one thing and focus hard, your memories can't be recalled, and you can't tap into those emotions either.
I really hope this helps, I'm wishing you all the best,