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Something Strange That's Been Happening

User Profile: wellthatwaseasy
wellthatwaseasy July 8th, 2018

So ever since I was a little kid I had this weird thing happen to me. I don't know why it happens or what it is and that freaks me out even more. It's hard to explain exactly what it is if you haven't felt it before but I'll try my best.

So imagine, you wake up at like 3 am and everything feels super normal for like 10 seconds and then suddenly every move you make seems fast. Like really fast. You reach for your phone at a completely normal speed but to you it feels fast and overwhelming. Does this make any sense? Basically I will feel super overwhelmed by any movement I make. Nothing helps it to stop and it doesn't even happen in a regular pattern. Once it happened in the middle of the day but it usually happens in the early morning like 3,4, or 5 am. It happens completely unprovoked as well. I can't predict when it's going to happen or why it happens at all. And the day after it just feels like some sort of dream but I know that it isn't because of something I did once when it was happening.

Has anyone had a similar experience? I've never met anyone that has but I'm sure there are people out there that have. Or if you can possibly tell me what you think this is. It would help a lot to put a name on it.

User Profile: diplomaticconfucious
diplomaticconfucious July 9th, 2018


Thanks for sharing your experience.

I understand how disconcerting a feeling that can be.

Occasionally with a migraine I'll have "Alice in Wonderland Syndrome" (AiWS) which can manifest in altering perception of things like time and spatial relations. Sometimes its like the world drops to crawl around me - flashing lights will slow, other living creatures seem to be in slow motion but I"m still going at speed. Sometimes it impacts my depth perception - which isn't great to begin with - but make things seem very far far away (object at 1 foot seems like 10 foot) and vice versa.

Just know... you aren't alone.