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Sleep disturbance?

Mshadows March 16th, 2022

I fell asleep at 2am and didn’t wake up until 4pm. I missed work I feel bad about it. The worst part is that I hadn’t heard the six alarms I have set. I don’t know how this is going to affect me at work. I am not sure what to say when my boss asks me why I didn’t come to work.

WarmLightXO April 8th, 2022


Hi friend 💕

Thank you for sharing this. That sounds so difficult and stressful, I can't imagine the thoughts you must be experiencing about work and what to tell your boss.

Anxiety can 100% have an impact on our sleep schedules. I encourage you to look up "sleep hygiene," and to speak to your primary care doctor if things continue like this.

You're doing a good thing by reaching out.

Sending warmth 💜🌿

SlothyNorton April 8th, 2022

@Mshadows I'm really glad you decided to share this. Like @WarmLightXO said, anxiety is a big sleep disturbance and can completely throw off our sleep schedules. It kept me up all night at one point! You reaching out is a tremendous step in the path of progress.