Severe Panic Attacks Due to Health Anxiety
I have severe panic attacks nearly every day because I am always afraid that something is wrong with me. My biggest fears are health conditions that are fatal. Particularly, brain aneurysms, blood clots, heart attacks, and strokes. I am only 36 years old and the reasonable part of me understands that these things are extremely unlikely for someone my age in good health. However, I can’t stop my brain from telling me that these things are happening to me. It’s so severe, that it feels as though I am feeling physical symptoms of things when I’m actually not. The only thing that has helped me feel better is coming here to talk about it. It’s really impacting my life in a lot of ways. The most Trumatic thing is that me and my husband have a secluded lake house that I used to enjoy going to so much. Now, I am afraid to go there because I don’t feel like there is medical assistance close enough to us if one of these things were to happen to me.
Hi dearest, I feel you. I’ve been dealing with panic syndrome for 10 years now. My first advice is to see a doctor right away. My second advice is to take small steps. If you feel unease going to the lake house (fear of not having medical assistance around), just don’t go, at least now. Go somewhere where you can be near other people so you can feel safe. Things get better, I promise. And you will go to that lake house or wherever. But, for now, allow yourself some peace. I know it’s hard when you feel incapable of doing the things you used to. But don’t let yourself get depressed over that, because you will recover. One thing I can assure you is that nothing bad will happen (aneurysm, etc.). You will be fine. Avoid focusing a lot on your body. Don’t be in a state of alert. Seek help, so if you experience a panic attack you have your meds around. Much love, everything will be okay 🎂
Hey there! I hear your struggles! Anxiety and fear are exhausting! Have you tried to let your anxious thoughts go before? I like to use visual imagery to let go of my distressing thoughts! I imagine my thoughts coming into my head then place them on a leaf and watch them go down the river! I hope you find peace! If you ever want to talk please feel free to message me anytime! You are so strong and so brave!
You are strong enough to fight your problems like you have so many difficulties, everyone does. But everyone doesn't fight them back. If anyone is feeling anxiety due to health issues, they have to keep strong will against anxiety. Anxiety causes panic attacks also. Today's generation is feeling lonely in this busy and working world. But there is some technology that is helping out those people with 24*7 companionship who keeps their mood right and anyone would not have to feel alone.