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Mshadows December 30th, 2022

I am anxious and scared of getting a job. I was alway afraid of working with people and especially in a professional setting. I had an internship a few months ago and it was one of the most difficult experiences, if not the most. I have atypical personality and it made the whole experience worse. Now, I’m having conflicting desires. I want to graduate but I don’t want to go through that again. That caused me to sabotage my GPA and university in general.

Anyone has similar experience? How did you deal with it?

toughTiger6481 December 30th, 2022


self sabotage IMO is all around us .....

when people are scared of failure most of those are unfounded .....

IMO trying to be perfect in an internship is not reflective of what a job is ....

most professional settings know employees are human mistakes happen / personalities clash / and there is a learning curve.

did you feel if you had a great GPA the expectations would be too high ...... if it was lower the pressure was off ?

did you get mentoring in internship or just used by someone want you to do their work?

most internships give you feedback and constructive points not all jobs are the same ...... even in same field do not let a bad or stressful experience scare you from your future.

December 31st, 2022

@Mshadows Hi, My name is hearzeroyou and I am a verified listener. Welcome to 7cups.

It sounds like you feel scared and anxious on this journey in your professional setting. There are a lot of people who also deal with this. I have dealt with something similar. There is nothing to be worried of, it affects a lot of us. I know I felt very confused and lost at first, too. But I got through it and I absolutely know you will, too.

You seem like you are stuck. I hear you kind of going around in self sabotaging circles. Do I have that right? What do you usually do to manage your stress? or What was the conflicting desires on yourself?