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Scared of people but scared of being alone

indigoWater8024 April 17th, 2016

How do you deal with being incredibly anxious around people, being too scared to trust any one around you to let anyone in and at the same time the thought of being alone fills you up with dred?

Being in a room full of people feels like torture and I would rather bash my head against a wall.

Yet there are times when I'm home alone that I realise that I'm also terrified of being lonely, having no one to talk to, no one to lean on...

The few people I do trust enough to have let in I'm sure are sick of me by now and because of my anxiety I'm starting to think they don't like me any more which is also scary.

Having anxiety sucks big time

Feelinglostfemale33 April 17th, 2016

Im right there with you!! Totally understand.. I hace really bad social anxiety.. Also have panic attacks.@indigoWater8024

NinaShy April 17th, 2016

@indigoWater8024 I'm facing the same problem. You're not alone! I know how bad it feels. Stay strong!

JasMGrey April 17th, 2016

@indigoWater8024 I'm exactly the same way. I thought it was that I hated being around people, but it was I hated how anxious I feel around groups of people. I noticed recently that it's being in the moment and not overthinking things that allows those anxious thoughts and self doubt to be more in the background instead of at my side at all times. It's accepting who I am and my situation instead of fighting it that is starting to calm me down if that makes sense. Trust me, it's still a struggle and every outing isn't perfect but I'm learning to accept who I am. It can and does get better.

indigoWater8024 OP April 18th, 2016

@JasMGrey thanks for that, I know and I have been in the place where being in the moment helps me but I've slipped right back and it's so hard to work up to where I was before. I'll get there as I believe everyone will it's just a lot of hard work to stay there