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Really bad shape

warmheartedWest725 April 11th, 2022

pretty Much everything has been going wrong today. Feels like there is someone (the devil?) who is deliberately trying to f** up everyth8 g that happens to me or everything I try to do. I have reached the end of my rope. My mental and physical pain are both way to excruciating now to even try to describe. I cannot take this bs anymore! (This bs has been going on and off roller coaster style for at least a month if not longer). I really do not know what I am going to do (to myself?) if I get any more stress! I have had enough! Really enough!

Lifeonmars787 April 11th, 2022

Hey, I'm so sorry to hear you're having a hard time. Sometimes it can really feel like you have no more hope. I don't know what happened and I don't know why you feel this way, if you want to go deeper, know that you can connect with a listener at any time.

Bugsh May 12th, 2022

@warmheartedWest725 I’m really sorry to hear how things have been going for you and I understand that at times life can feel extremely cruel and unfair. It’s very easy to feel at times like there is no improvement or that things can’t get better and you’re struck in this endless looped cycle or misery and misfortune but it gets better with time. A lot of times in life we’re so focused on the big things and the end goal that we take the small things and the journey to that destination for granted. It’s very easy to Focus on and consistently see the bad in things because they always stand out far more but life is about perspective and perhaps by trying to look through a different lens you’ll notice and see some good things you’ve overlooked along the way or that you miss day to day, life is kind of like a rainbow and for that to happen you have to have your Rainy days and your sunny ones because without both you’ll never get the rainbow.