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User Profile: NothingGold
NothingGold April 11th, 2017

Just looking for some strategies on how to deal with procrastination...for me it is related to my anxiety...just want to avoid things and wish they would go away. I have some "big" things on my plate right now (job applications and moving) and this week I have a ton of time to work on those things...but I have a really hard time getting started. I tend to waste hours of my day just randomly surfing the Internet and picking at my fingernails, and then work hard for the last hour or so of the day. I know that I feel better when I cross things off my to-do list, so maybe making a more detailed list and crossing little things off will help.

How do you stop yourself from wasting time and procrastinating?

User Profile: Movingforwardwithhope
Movingforwardwithhope April 11th, 2017

@NothingGold - I have always struggled with procratination and still do. I think that a big part of my problem comes from the fear of being judged. I put off projects until the last minute and then rush to complete them. This way if anything is not as good as it could be (whatever THAT means) I can tell myself that I did it in a hurry. I am trying to remind myself that my work is good enough and maybe better than most, but always in the back of my head I worry about the judgement. I am new to this website and hopeful that this "wasting of time on the internet" produces a better result than simply browsing Amazon like a zombie. Haha.

My current mantra is "Done is better than perfect".

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User Profile: NothingGold
NothingGold OP April 12th, 2017

@Movingforwardwithhope Yeah perfectionism is part of it too...even though I know that I probably shouldn't be so perfectionistic, I don't really understand why...I want to do things perfectly because I think I can. So that's part of it...having the "Do it right or not at all!" mantra in my head!

And I know what you mean - wasting time on 7cups has to be better than just mindless surfing, right? ;)

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User Profile: maruchan85
maruchan85 April 11th, 2017

Recognizing that you are procrastinating is already making a big step in dealing with and controlling procrastination. Also determining why you're procrastinating in the first place is a major step. Once you determine what exactly makes you procrastinate, then you can develop specific strategies to battle those obstacles. Planning out rewards for yourself is one way to start. Perhaps start making to-do lists if you're disorganized. Setting specific goals and writing them down can also motivate you to avoid procrastinating. There are a lot of other ways to battle procrastination; it all depends on what's hindering you from getting things done.

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User Profile: NothingGold
NothingGold OP April 12th, 2017

@maruchan85 Thanks for the ideas! To-do lists usually help me - I always have a few going in my head but actually writing things down lets me stop thinking about them and finally get to the things on the list (because I SO want to cross them off!).

Did a little internet research about procrastination too, will try to get focused and keep getting things done. Today was a good start.

Thanks again!

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User Profile: HairlessCat
HairlessCat April 13th, 2017

@NothingGold I have this problem, too! I find that chunking big things (if possible) helps a lot. It's easier to convince myself to do it if the task doesn't seem overwhealming. smiley

User Profile: Shonnn
Shonnn January 11th, 2024


I suffer the same problem, and it’s terrible

I recently found some pdfs on procrastination that I downloaded on my computer and never got to them

It explains procrastination and why we procrastinate, and it helps addressing thoughts patterns and motivators along other things

It says that some people are more sensitive to emotions and seek to release them, and those emotions (anxiety, fear, embarrassment, etc..) mainly stem from our thought patterns and presumptions.

Reply to me to remind me to share the PDFs here, they might help.

I just started reading them, they’re 6 and the latter ones seek to solve the problem, one step at a time. Tbh I didn’t try them yet so I can’t say how effective they are, but they are educational and might be helpful to some

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User Profile: Shonnn
Shonnn January 11th, 2024


You can find them all in this link

The modules I talked about are in the worksheets section

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User Profile: Shonnn
Shonnn January 11th, 2024


I meant the workbook section

lol. I just noticed that this post is posted in 2017

anyways, I hope that this becomes a good source for anyone looking

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