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J2002 August 14th, 2020

I have a problem with thinking too much. Ive always wished what it would be like if I could just sit there and relax without thinking about anything.
one thing I keep thinking about is getting cheated on. Or getting mistreated. I guess I dont have trust in people anymore. I feel like I could never get to be with someone anymore because I know that they will cheat. I have also lost faith in humanity. There just seems to be a lot of hate and carelessness in this world. Its too much to bare. One prediction of my future is that I will grow old and live alone , after dating people and breaking up with them because of infidelity. I really HATE people that cheat.

Chanel18 August 14th, 2020


Thank you for sharing this. I can empathize with where you are coming from. I have experienced similar feelings when it comes to relationships and anxiety. The good thing is that you are able to recognize your anxiety and where some triggers may be. You seem like a good hearted individual. One thing that I can say I realized with relationship anxiety is that you have to take time out for yourself. Get to know yourself more, surround yourself with loving social circles that support you. I am a firm believer that when you begin to work on self-care and self-growth, things will work out the way they are supposed to. Don't let the anxiety stop you from sharing yourself with a potential mate, and know that if things don't work out with one person, you're just closer to meeting someone you really connect with.

jaedae August 17th, 2020


I learn from you