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My life so far

User Profile: clementineTime723
clementineTime723 July 8th, 2015

Im currently 17, and proudly overcoming some hard life struggles. I was diagnosed with a really bad anxiety disorder in my sophmoreyear of high school. I had social anxiety, test anxiety and basically anything in between. Sometimes the anxiety would get so bad I would stop breathing and they had to send me to the hospital. Testing was especially hard for me, every single test I took, I failed. I tried countless things, I even once was aloud a whole day to complete a test, but I still failed it. I almost failed out of sophmoreyear, but I passed by. I switched schools, to an alternative learning system. It was much better, but shortly after I was diagnosed with depression, and multiple eating disorders. I was cutting and starving myself and I weighed just under 80 pounds. No one knew most of this, so i didn't have much people to talk to. Eventually I dragged myself Out of it just before I turned 16. I'm doing so much better now, but every so often that dark place comes back and I'm falling again. Some things, like the anxiety, I'm stuck with forever. But other things like the eating disorders, I can hopefully let go of soon. I want everyone to know that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Life is shit, and its so hard but you will get throughit. I'm a listener on this site, my name is ClementineTime723 feel free to find me and contact me any time.