My house is my castle
I feel safe at home. When I go out I can smile and be charming. I also cant stop the 50 pound weight on my chest or the hives on my hands. Through positive thinking, I can force myself into a satisfied state of mind but Im unable to halt the mental and physical affects of being out in places Im uncomfortable. I love myself for who I am, I also wish I was different.
Hi there, @Kitkat1715! I think what you've written here is something that a lot of people can relate to, especially that last sentence. Many of us wish that we were different in some aspect, and I feel as though it's imporatant to recognize what we wish was different so that we can learn to love that just like we love the rest of us. It's wonderful that you've found ways to help yourself like positive thinking. Sometimes forcing yourself to do something can leave you feeling much better than you did before.
I hope that you are able to find peace with yourself on your journey and love yourself wholely one day.