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Little Victory

LunaNesta October 15th, 2019

So I've been having trouble panicking over situations I cannot control, but today I did better. I found out that there are multiple pending charges on my credit card for plane tickets I tried to buy but never received. Went through a long process of finding out what I need to do. And through it all, I have not panicked! I'm choosing not to panic or worry. So far it's working. We'll see how I do when I'm going to sleep. That's always when it's the worst. Anyway, its a little victory for now.

MAE1701 October 16th, 2019

Well done smiley That gives me hope, that I will get my things done with the jobcenter too.

MagAlves October 16th, 2019


Congratulations on your victory, I'm sure you are feeling proud of yourself, and rightfully so!!

Hope you have a good night of sleep, wishing you all the best.