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Is it wrong of me to think this way?

braveCoconut March 2nd, 2016

I've recently been diagnosed with anxiety and depression (merely because I finally got the guts to go to the doctor) and I confided in my parents and my boyfriend. They've been great support (maybe not my mother, too much, but she's a parent and I don't blame her for showing her worry in a somewhat unsupportive way). I confided in my parents, and my mother went and decided to share this news with my entire family. She shared that I'm suicidal, I have panic attacks and intense anxiety and that I'm on medication. All of a sudden, I have an aunt who's wanting to travel 6 hours to visit me (i live away from all my family and parents) and I can't help but feel annoyed. I know I should appreciate the concern, but I feel the only reason my aunt is visiting is in order for HER to feel better about herself that she's helping me. (Which in reality is just making me feel bad) Should I be feeling this way? Does anyone else get annoyed when people pretend to suddenly care?

stumblingnumb March 2nd, 2016

@braveCoconut I would feel the same way. If my mom did that. I would definitely be frustrated. Maybe just state that you appreciate all the support and that you know they are there if you need them? Even if they are only their for themselves, at least it's someone. Ya know?

braveCoconut OP March 2nd, 2016

@stumblingnumb I am, I didn't show my mother I was upset because it just wouldn't change anything anyways. And I do appreciate the support, I really do. It's just bummy..thank you though

Cheeney March 2nd, 2016

You did a great job in telling your boyfriend and parents. It wasn't right of your mother to tell your entire family.

I think there's something to be said from both sides. I mean, it's natural for family to care about one another and help each other in times of need. So I understand your aunt's need to visit you. That said, I understand that you feel like she's pretending too, or only doing it for herself. When in tough times some people indeed will offer help and support, because it makes them feel good. Makes them feel like they've done something good. But some people will also help because they genuinely care. I sincerely hope your aunt is one of the latter.
In any case, do whatever feels right for you. If you're not comfortable with your aunt coming to visit you, you can tell her that. Personally I'd say let them come, listen to what they have to say and let go. They may have a lesson to offer you, or they will show you their good intentions. When I told my family about my depression and anxiety I expected little to nothing and I have to say I was stunned by the amount of support I got from them. I hope your family surprises you too.

braveCoconut OP March 2nd, 2016

@Cheeney indeed. My boyfriend has been extremely supportive and one of the people who has constantly told me to get help and there's no shame in it. And I understand, I hope my aunt has some positive intentions. It's just hard to believe she would, if you knew her. Thank you for the uplifting words and response.

Cheeney March 2nd, 2016

@braveCoconut He is 100% right! No problem. Haha, I know the type. I really hope she will surprise you. And if nothing else, atleast you'll know what her intentions are.