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Insomnia Caused by Anxiety

Nova235 March 4th, 2021

I've been feeling really anxious lately due to bullying and it has cause me insomnia. I often end up crying at night from intrusive, racing thoughts, and I can never sleep without waking up at two or three am. I am constantly exhausted, and I get anxious about going to sleep because I know that there will be a problem. It is a never ending cycle of exhaustion and fear. My performance in school is declining and I don't know how to ask for help. Has anyone else experienced this or something similar or know how to help?

joksysensei March 4th, 2021

Man honest I don't know what bulling feels like since I go to a school with really good people. I remember there was this dialogue in movie"the imitation game". I was like: 'Why do people love violence; it feels good. Take the satisfaction out and the act becomes hollow.' You can't really completely control others so why not work on yourself. I would be suggest Yoga. Best therapy for restless mind. And it also works your body which give the body a perfect , natural shape. 😁

Clemete March 4th, 2021

I've experienced bullying, insomnia, and anxiety in my life. I found that bullies are some of the biggest cowards you'll ever meet. Tell an authority about the bullying a teacher or something. If you do it in front of them you will probably hear them beg you not too. That happened twice with me. The bullies literally broke down into desperate begging on the spot when it clocked in thier mind that there were consequences. Thier behavior then gets watched like a hawk, if they try to pull anything later on on you or anybody, there's an existing complain against them. Once an authority is aware of bullying. The bully's options become very restricted. You're not alone. For insomnia, my case might be different from yours. But you can function pretty normally even if you've been awake for over 48 hours. Speaking from experience. The thought of missing sleep used to really stress me out but its okay to miss sleep some times. You don't need to stress double about it. Lots and lots of people go through insomnia, it'll be alright. Tell yourself you might wake up in the night, but that's okay. And if you do wake up don't think of it as a bad thing, just embrace it for a little while without judgement. I just had a kid and I've had to wake up every couple of hours to take care of him for weeks now. Broken sleep and sleepless nights are totally okay believe it or not. They kind of suck but they are okay. The anxiety is usually what makes things rough (at least for me). So if you are having intrusive thoughts, well, I'd recommend dismissing it as a nightmare, that is, just recognize it as an unpleasant thought or fantasy. Another trick is to modify the thought, if you had a nightmare of being bullied imagine rolling back time and standing up to the bully or have the bully apologize to you or them being caught or some other positive alternative. I hope I helped. You're not alone. Get help about the bullying. Wishing you well.