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I need help...

Taylor511040 January 18th, 2023

I feel like I am nervous all the time, regardless on what I try to do to stop it... Peer relationships at school and at home have been stressing me out and so have my schoolwork and chores. I have also have things happen to my family. My mom lost her job, my grandma is going to pass away, etc... I'm even just nervous trying to tell this to you right now, it's a little hard to breathe.

empatheticpie January 19th, 2023

Hi there, @Taylor51104.

I'm glad you came to 7 Cups to talk about this and you are very strong for doing so! Please remember that 7 Cups will always be a safe and nonjudgmental place to talk, and if you ever need to chat with someone you can browse Listeners at:

You were mentioned you were feeling stressed, so I'm going to offer you some of the free resources about stress that we have here on 7 Cups.

We also have a free emotional wellness test that takes 3 minutes to complete. If you complete it, 7 Cups will suggest a custom path to help you manage what you're feeling right now.

Taylor511040 OP January 19th, 2023

@empatheticpie It turns out I already took the test apparently. I mean, I do remember taking it. But it was like... 3AM in the morning when I did it because I couldn't sleep.

gentleBraid2726 January 19th, 2023


Hey Friend! 🌻

I am sorry that you are feeling unpleasant like this. Please remember that you can turn downhill any obstacles in your life and I completely believe that, you will and win over these feelings and come out like a shining star.

If you would like to talk, I would be glad to! Also you could browse through a list of listeners which suit your schedule and ones you would like to talk to.

Listener community is always dedicated and wish to keep every 7Cups visitor feel super pleasant and at their best blissful selves, and so I wish you very best.

Please keep me posted too, if you face any difficulties here as I subscribe to this thread of yours.


Taylor511040 OP January 20th, 2023

@gentleBraid2726 oh... Thanks... Anyways, I guess I do need someone to talk to.

confidentRabbit7311 January 20th, 2023

Hey @Taylor51104

I am sorry that you are feeling stressed. Sounds like you have a lot on your mind currently.

As a community we are here for !

If you need to reach out to a listener please do so !

Taylor511040 OP January 20th, 2023

@confidentRabbit7311 I have...

CDK1972 January 21st, 2023

@Taylor51104 Hi Taylor. You are not alone and trust me you will not always feel this way. I just went through it again and it always passes. Sometimes with help of medication. Have you thought about talking to a therapist/counselor/psychologist? I just starting seeing one again for the first time in 7 years and it helps. I’m reading some anxiety book: 10 best-ever anxiety management techniques and Feeling Good. What about exercise? I walk everyday and it really does help. I used to think it was BS but not now

Taylor511040 OP January 21st, 2023

@CDK1972 I have tried to see a therapist but my parents don't really seem to care at all. And yes I do take a walk almost everyday but I still am super stressed.

CDK1972 January 22nd, 2023

@Taylor51104 Hi Taylor. I would recommend the top 10 anxiety techniques book I’m reading that I mentioned in my lady thread. What about maybe some meds to take the edge off or awhile?

CDK1972 January 22nd, 2023

Last thread not lady thread 😂

Taylor511040 OP January 22nd, 2023

@CDK1972 I can't take medication... And I guess I can look at the book?

pinkSail2787 January 22nd, 2023

Hi Taylor,

Your post is very honest and brave. It sounds like you’re saying you are truly overwhelmed with anxiety due to stressful situations that impact you and others. Sometimes even just talking about it helps.

Taylor511040 OP January 22nd, 2023

@pinkSail2787 Yeah, I know

kifaru January 24th, 2023

Hi Taylor,

You mentioned it's a little hard to breathe. Have you looked up panic attacks? It took me years to realize that's what I was experiencing bc I had always lived my life with anxiety as my response. I'm new here, but believe I saw a thread on panic attacks and ways to deal with them that might be helpful to you if you can't access therapy right now. It's very difficult when others in your life don't or won't recognize how debilitating this is. What coping mechanisms have you tried? Hang in there.

Taylor511040 OP January 24th, 2023

@kifaru Do you think I could talk to you maybe at sometimes? I could really use the comfort... And no, I don't think I could be having a panic attack. I'm usually nervous all the time and my nervousness can spike up a little bit, making it hard to breathe a little.