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I'm meeting up with a friend on monday and I'm freaking out

mandy123966 March 2nd, 2016

My friend Courtney knows a little bit about my anxiety and depression, but we've had some serious rough patches. At one point she told me that if I couldn't be more positive then she didn't want me in her life. This devastated me because she was one of my best friends.

She doesn't understand that I get very anxious and stressed out when I hang out with people I don't see often even if they're my best friend, and took it very personaly when I told her that. I want to be close with her again, but I'm worried that I'll be rejected.

If you have any experience with this sort of thing I'd love your help figuring all of this out.

exampligratia March 2nd, 2016


This may be the most useless advice you've ever heard but 'stay cool'.

You two are already friends, and good friends at that. She knows your anxiety issues and still is your friend but everyone has a limit.

Its not outta nowhere that she would give you such an ultimatum, so she must have been experiencing this from you for quite a while (not saying its your fault) but you should cool it. She's your friend, she's not trying to be critical of you, she's not analysing your every move to see where you mess up.

She just wants to hang out and you do too.

Sure you may be nervous but don't let it show. And more importantly, don't voice it out or complain about it to your friend.

Sorry couldn't be more helpful, all the best.

mandy123966 OP March 3rd, 2016


Thank you for this! It's not what I wanted to hear, but it's what I needed