I'm just so lost in my own Anxiety...
2 years ago or maybe earlier than that(while I was in advanced individual training for the military) I was sent home honorably. I was sent home because I gave up near the end. Its hard to admit but I did. I felt like this wasn't the path for me. So when I got home, my parents welcomed me home but had their doubts. I see now, these doubts were well placed. I only failed each promise I made to them when I came home. I never helped out and honestly lost sight of who I was.... If I ever knew. See I joined because my sister was this bad thing in my life and my mother didn't want me to be her. So in striving so hard to not be her, I lost who I was. I joined the armed forces without thinking of what I wanted. Only that I wasn't my sister. Then it happened... I got in college half a year after getting home. I saw this degree and once again did it to make her proud. Now I am only sad in myself... It wasn't what I wanted and I honestly don't know what I want. I'm struggling so hard to find who I am and what I want to do with my life that I have given myself overwhelming anxiety all while trying to maintain good gpa with almost no direction. I'm to a point that I want out of this whole and want to figure out who I am but I can't seem to figure it out. Honestly joining this made me feel like it was a step, getting help that I needed(seeing as my family aren't good people to turn to for help).
Hi @Dokeshi1
I'm very proud of you for seeking help and wanting to get better. That in it self is such a big step to take and you've done it, and I hope you can see the good in that. I don't want to make comparisons, but I want to tell you that I have experience something similar; wanting to do well for my parents. Going to a specific school and afterwards taking their choice of education, not minding my own feelings regarding my future. Chosing to participate in afterschool activities that pleased them and be friends with who they thought I should be with.
I hope you find loving support here at 7 Cups and I wish you well in your journey to feel better. If you want to chat, you now know where to find me. We all at 7 Cups appreciate that you're being open and honest about your anxiety and that you feel that you're able to share your feelings with the community. Thank you x