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I'm feeling surprisingly hopeful

tryingmybest7 September 27th, 2017

Last year was not a very good year for me. I was having really really bad problems with my anxiety and i just felt sad and like i was losing. I also felt a little suicidal. When i would walk home form school after th school day i would think of all the stuff i did or didn't do and it would make me feel just angry and anxouis. At one point the sidewalk stops and i cross the street. At the stop where the sidewalk stops i would stand there contemplating walking in front of a car as it flew by. I never did though. And now its the next school year and the built more sidewalk so i don't have to cross the street right away. This may sound dumb but i found that really symbolic and hopeful. the spot here i wanted to kill myself is not paved over and although i still have to cross the street i don't feel like going infront of a car. I had hard times last year but hts over and still mayhave hard times but i can handle them in a better way. All though may sound kind of dumb but it gives me a sense of hope and i hope it gave you hope toosmiley

Truth22 September 27th, 2017


Nope! Its not dumb at all! Really glad to see you've progressed and feel as though you have a little more control! :) #KeepGoing

lovelyWhisper66 October 2nd, 2017

@tryingmybest7 Thanks for the inspriational post! It is certainly not dumb at all. I'm so glad that you found such hope to go forward despite what you were going through, and may that hope continue to help you through life. Feel free to reach out to the listeners here if you ever wish to talk. Best wishes!