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I don't know..

powerfulBalloon7146 August 31st, 2022

So recently I feel like there's been so much negative energy about my relationship and yeah I get that u shouldn't let people opinions bring you down but I keep feeling so anxious about it and I don't know how to stop. I feel so anxious about the fact that I am anxious and sometimes I'm like when is this going to end cos it's an ongoing battle. I've tried so hard to not let my mind control me but...idk. it's just so much and I feel like I can't deal yk.

Dan76 August 31st, 2022

@powerfulBalloon7146 it's important to not take the external pressure as an attack, especially if it's from someone you trust or respect. They likely have your best intentions in mind. Take their words seriously and into consideration, but also remember that you know your relationship better than they do. Make sure you consider all perspectives, and you'll know you're making the right decisions, whatever it may be.