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How to cope with all The toughts

Alctim March 22nd, 2018

Hey, so... Im not coping at all, Im constantly affected by a million negative and dark toughts, its so consuming i zone out from my daily life, everything around me becomes annoying background noise. And I cant cope with it at all anymore..its affecting my drive to do things.. All i do is wander trough the days so i can go to sleep or til i can drink. My weekends are either spent lying in bed doin nothing feeling overwhelmingly bad or Im out drinking. Its so many toughts all the time and so dark.. Im tired of them.. Not even medication helps anymore..

professionalPerspective60 March 22nd, 2018


Hey there, I can feel that you are totally fed up by your post, and I dont blame you at all, its really hard when your in a cycle of negative vibes, they just kinda grab you, and make you believe you cant do anything. Truth is, you can, Im not saying its easy by any means, but it is possible to change your daily routine, to channel your thoughts though a different angle,you just need to get into the habit of re training your brain, and the first step Is telling yourself you can, believe you can, and you can do it. I have a couple of suggestions which you might like to try, can you change your morning routine? Like, instead of getting up and making a cuppa, get up and shower, and have music on in the background, feel good music, an up tempo? One of the things I used to do at night was, Id write myself a message, something good, a nice memory or something that made me feel positive, and when I woke in the morning, Id read it! Another, write something nice about yourself in the morning, I like my hair, or, I like my eyes, smile, feet, anything! And say it over again to yourself in the mirror. Anxiety is something we manage, its not something we cure, anxiety are fears within us, they arent a direct threat, and once we learn how to manage this, life becomes a whole lot eaiser, so start with yourself, tell yourself how incredible you are, just for being you and fighting🙂 the big achievements come from the smaller challengers, just trust and believe in yourself and youll do what you need to do. And remember, the community here is backing you 🙂 take care of yourself.

Alctim OP March 23rd, 2018


Thank you! Yes its a living hell. Gone to The point where its hard to see anything good.

Im gonna try out your tips! And Im gonna keep telling myself that i can do this! :)

sunnyPrune3495 March 23rd, 2018

@Alctim Hey Alctim, it ain't easy to go through such tough moments.. It really do suck that you have to feel this way. Feeling restless and zoning out most of the time..

Could you remember the last time you've had fun? Like really enjoyed yourself? If you do, perhaps you could try doing that to shift yourself out. Maybe reading a nice story book, or dancing to great music..

It's not gonna be easy, your little voice will probably fight it and try to pull you into the zone that makes you feel restless...

Don't blame yourself, the zone is part of you after all.. But you have just got to know how to walk in and out of it, baby.

Walk out when you need to.

Alctim OP March 23rd, 2018


Hey! No its not easy feeling like this all The time sadly it feels it will never end or get better.

Im gonna try and think about more good memories, sadly when i do i tend to end up crying or becoming angry, missing what i had. As it feels i will never have it again.

It really dosent feel like my anxiety is a part of me.. But rather it is me, all I am, like Im not a human beein Im just well anxiety.

Wich is something i struggle alot with as when i try and think that so is not the case i end up feeling very lost.