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How can I be happy

fearlessPlane7953 August 17th, 2021

i Can’t stop over thinking,

I convince myself scary or bad things are going to happen and latch onto the idea for months.

it takes over my entire life and makes enjoying life or working towards anything pointless when the bad thing is going to happen anyway.

sometimes if I am enjoying myself the bad thought pops into my mind and ruins it and I don’t look forward to anything.

can somebody help?

why am I like this?

RideaRainbow August 17th, 2021

Our thoughts are like a kite in the vast and expansive sky of life. We need tools, techniques, and skills to regulate them. We can't shut out our thoughts but can certainly replace them. So that's what I would do if I were you. Indulge in what makes you happy which will change the way you feel and think. Give it a try and see how it works for you. Meditation is also known to calm us all down when we repose with ourselves and are at peace, then the choices of our thoughts are altered remarkably.
Hope this makes sense to you and helps you out.
Take Care.

fearlessPlane7953 OP August 17th, 2021


Thank you so much

i really needed to her that

fearlessPlane7953 OP August 17th, 2021

We need to keep ourselves occupied and fill our mind with positive thoughts. It’s hard though. The bad thoughts are taking over my life!